As Srila Prabhupad Swami Maharaj would say, “A festival of fruits and flowers alone does not constitute worship of the Guru, but self-giving, self-offering.”
7 February, 2019 From: Бхакти Судхир Госвами - Remembrance of Sriman Mahaprabhu's sannyas-lilaMahaprabhu comes to experience Radha-bhav. But almost out of necessity of the pastimes, that can’t be from the beginning. It’s so overwhelming and devastating, He would be dysfunctional as a yuga-avatar. And it’s very delightful that He begins life, apparently, not as a devotee which is, kind of, an inside joke – because He’s Krishna.
7 February, 2019 From: Бхакти Судхир Госвами - Remembrance of Sriman Mahaprabhu's sannyas-lilaKrishna-lila is crème de la crème of nectarine substances and it’s utterly inaccessible, reserved for the highest section of liberated souls – no hope of entering there. What is Chaitanya-lila? – Taking that exclusive nectarine substance and distributing it – magnanimously, liberally, in all directions – to the unqualified. – That’s Chaitanya-lila. You try to go direct to Krishna-lila – it’s not going to happen. Ever.
That we should put on a banner: “Krishna consciousness – we will ruin your life!” Your mundane life will become ruined. You won’t be able to take it seriously again — even if you try. Krishna consciousness will keep eating at you: the remembrance of that. Even if you only have a brush with it. — It’s so potent.
Nabadwip is for the non-liberated: they’ll get everything there.
To have a strong foundation in Krishna consciousness upon which the super-structure of Krishna conception can rest, we need the grace, the mercy of Nityanda Prabhu.
22 February, 2019 From: Бхакти Судхир Госвами - The Ultimate Guide to Sense ExperienceWhen your doors of perception are cleansed, you can trace everything back to the central conception of the Infinite.
22 February, 2019 From: Бхакти Судхир Госвами - The Ultimate Guide to Sense ExperienceWhen you stop substituting things for Krishna, people for Krishna, places for Vrindavan — all of these substitutions; when you stop substituting things other than Krishna for Krishna then you’ll see everything as infinite. And that’s the good news for us: because He is Hrishika-isha, Hrishikesh — because He has senses, you can serve Him with your senses. And it’s not just an option, it’s, actually, what they’re meant for.
22 February, 2019 From: Бхакти Судхир Госвами - The Ultimate Guide to Sense ExperienceThe ultimate beautiful thing to be seen is Krishna… The full spectral range of sensual possibility reaches its zenith point in the personification of Krishna.
6 March, 2019 From: Бхакти Судхир Госвами - Life experience: what to believe and how to believe?Siddhanta is about heart, actually. It’s not some separate thing that intellectuals got lost in. Krishna is siddhanta. Siddhanta is Krishna. Siddhanta is heart. Without heart it’s just intellectualism.