18 March, 2019 From: Бхакти Судхир Госвами - To Serve Those Who Feel Separation from KrishnaThe real test is: what does the heart produce in separation from Krishna? And that’s the test now. Our unfortunate situation is — it doesn’t bother us that we are separated from Krishna. That’s a sad, pathetic thing. But in time it will. And the Gopis come with the cure for this separation suffering: talking and hearting about Krishna.
18 March, 2019 From: Бхакти Судхир Госвами - To Serve Those Who Feel Separation from KrishnaThe day that you heard about Krishna was the beginning of auspiciousness in your life.
18 March, 2019 From: Бхакти Судхир Госвами - To Serve Those Who Feel Separation from KrishnaFrom the devotee you hear something about Krishna and forever your heart is touched. And nothing can compete with that — ever. And no matter what happens after that, at some point, in your sojourn in material existence you’ll remember the sweetness of Krishna when your heart was touched by hearing about Krishna and seek more connection with Krishna.
Guru Maharaj said, “If I do not deceive me — no one can deceive me.” There is a deceiving element within us that brings us in connection with deceivers.
Wherever the devotee triumphs over the Lord — that makes Krishna more happy. His default position is Divinity, God, the Infinite. But what enhances that is His pastimes with the devotees. Always. — So that’s the way He’s most happily identified: Radha-Vinod, Nanda-nandan, Yashoda-nandan…
There is the current of the world and the call of Krishna consciousness runs counter to that. So when your heart is moving, answering the call of Krishna and rubbing against the current of the world, in that conflict, almost, what happens is: gradually, if you are sincere and keep pursuing it, your mundane aspect gets dissolved. And what comes out? — Your spiritual essence, your actual self. So it appears, on the one hand that something’s been lost — it’s the most superficial thing, the covering. And what’s happening in this process — you’re being converted to your essence which is a servitor, eternal servant of Krishna. And, as that happens, then someone — they’re bothered by being separated from Krishna. That’s when Krishna consciousness begins in earnest — when we are upset or disturbed by separation from Krishna.
26 March, 2019 From: Бхакти Судхир Госвами - One Day before Gauranga's AppearanceSince the Makara-sankranti we are going in this direction, the pastimes. Cause it’s interesting: although that’s when He takes sannyas, all the things are leading up to the appearance of Mahaprabhu. So the nitya-lila is circular. And that which is eternal, it has no beginning, middle or end – it’s going on simultaneously. Unless we think like, “Oh, that’s inconceivable.” – Well, we mainly specialize in the inconceivable.
26 March, 2019 From: Бхакти Судхир Госвами - One Day before Gauranga's AppearanceWe should think carefully from time to time: what is our position. And it could best be described as: we have no position – as for starters. But by the grace of our Guru-varga we are brought in connection with these divine things. And only by their grace can we remain in connection with them.
26 March, 2019 From: Бхакти Судхир Госвами - One Day before Gauranga's AppearanceThere would be no Krishna consciousness movement if not for Mahaprabhu. Those “Krishna-loving people”, remember this: whatever it is you’re participating in – it comes from Mahaprabhu, He is responsible for this. So it’s not [that you can say], “Oh, I get it. Now we are connected to Krishna, we’re very happy about this. Thank You, Gauranga. Your service is appreciated.” No – He is Krishna. Krishna decided that this is the best way to do it.
26 March, 2019 From: Бхакти Судхир Госвами - One Day before Gauranga's AppearanceThis is so extraordinary, this “once in a day of Bramha”… That Bramha, of whom we say “once in a day of Bramha” – Bramha and Shiva – They’ve descended into this world disguised as human beings to have a glimpse of the beauty of Gauranga Mahaprabhu. And what did they come to offer? – Their hearts!