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  • The Land of Jagannath

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    Author: Srimati Bhakti Lalita Devi Dasi Cycle: Beauty Over Power
    Duration: 00:15:33 Date: 2016-05-17 Size: 40.98Mb Place: Gupta Govardhan Chiang Mai Downloaded: 2947 Played: 6076

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    Only going to serve, not in any mood of enjoyment or pleasure seeking, or business, or any other reason, but to go and to get the mercy of Jagannath. Bhakti Lalita: Most importantly we go to Jagannath Puri and pray to enter their, we first ask for permission, for Lord Jagannath.
    May we come, if it is your well, we may enter Jagannath Puri Dham. And through the permission of Guru we can understand Jagannath thanks giving his permission and we enter their and a very humble mood and respecting all the etiquettes for worshipping and stay in a holy dham.
    And only going to serve, not any mood of enjoiment or pleasure seeking, or business, or any other reason, but going to get the mercy of Jagannath. And Srila Gurudev what go and pay dandavats to Jagannath. When he would first enter Jagannath Puri it go straight to the Jagannath temple.
    And always pray: "may you see me, Lord, see me and i'm here, Sir". He would call him, Sir. I'm here, Sir. Please, see me, i'm at your disposal and my dandavat pranams. And he would do his dandavats for all of his disciples, who couldn't go. He would convey our obeisances to Jagannath, because the rules and regulations of the Jagannath temple still as not allow the westerners to go yet.
    We think one day it may change, but when we're there, we always remember Rupa, Sanatana, Haridas Thakur, they also didn't go into see Jagannath. And because if their connection to islam in government, they were not allowed to go either.
    So, if they couldn't go and they didn't go, then what to speak about us. Mleccas from the west. So, you remember them, remember how they lived there and with such a humble mood.
    Haridas Thakur would stay far away and would go a long distance around Sanatana, Rupa and Sanatana, they take the long way to where every day going in Puri. So, they wouldn't come very close to Jagannath temple and rub shoulders with the pandas. The servitors of the Jagannath. So, such deep humility they stayed there and that perfect example for us and we should never feel angry or upset that were not allowed in, because that's the custom and we respect it, we still are always receiving Jagannath mercy in the form of this prasadam, his mahaprasadam is always to delivered to our temple.
    We owner his prasadam, there's no shortage of Jagannath prasadam in Puri. And we know that, a had one thought, escaped me. We've taken prasadam so many times with Srila Gurudev in Jagannath Puri. And he was always sit on the floor, would have banana leafs, everyone sit in the line. And they would serve all the different preparations came from Lord Jagannath temple from his plate. And everything is very sweet, even a dal, the carrys, the rice, all the different preparations have some sweetness to them
    Very sumptuosly, make the bhoga offerings in the temple and all throughout the day large quantities areneing coocked offered and distributed and we know that even highborn brahmans, they will take Jagannath prasadam out of dog's mouth and eat it, that's very extreme. But they showing how much powerful as Jagannath prasadam can never be contaminated by anyone, any living entity. Raghunath Das Goswami would only live on, what was old and moldy and discarded Jagannath prasadam.
    He would collect discarded Jagannath prasadam, wash it and that's what he would eat. Showing so much vairagya renounced mood and devotional heart and the one time i fear we can see Jagannath, during his ratha yatra festival and that's held every year during the moonsoon season June, July and that time, they take out Lord Jagannath, Subhadra, Baladev, brother and sister, who are living together thrown and it's a long process to carry them out put them on their chariots, they're so big and it involves many men to carry them.
    And always it's a full day event nationall festival, international now. People from over the world, all over India, they come from Ratha Yatra Festival and everyone wants to pull the Lord. To Gundich temple to Vrindavan. That's significance of taking Krishna out of Dvaraka to Kurukshetra, we know it's non different. And Pulling them to Vrindavan. And said anyone, who polls that row, who participates in taking the Lord back to Vrindavan and they never have to take birth again in this material world.
    So, it's always a struggle to get the rope into pull. And some devotees have even bribes their way onto the cards Jagannath. Some bribing, some not, depending on the whims of the pandas- servitors of Jagannath. To go on to his card and embrace him. That day everyone seeing him. Man, women, eastern, western, brahman, sudra, who ever you are, can see Lord Jagannath from that day. And some of one devotees even gone and embraced him, trading they watch is, baging and somehow getting to embrace Jagannath.
    And i was gone with Srila Gurudev in the evening time, Jagannath, Subhadra, Baladev have riched Gundicha temple. They spend the night out in the road. Whole night they're giving darshan and that time all the crowds are gone there parked in front of Gundicha temple. And you can go right up and offer your obeisances and we stand behind Srila Gurudev. Sir, i'm here, i'm here, bless me, allow me to see you, see me, please. And very happy memories from accompanying Srila Gurudev for darshan of Jagannath, Subhadra, Baladev.
    In celebrating JAGANNATH PURI a holly dham, Kurukshetra, Dvaraka, Purusottam,JAGANNATH. We know Nilachala on the blue ocean the mahasamudra. Technically the bay of Bengal, but after Haridas Thakur based their. Mahaprabhu took this body in based him in the ocean, he called mahatirtha, from now on it mahasamudra. Great ocean sea. So, very powerful and very, we go very respectfully to that ocean. Compared dandavats and takes water on a heads.
    Srila Gurudev would always prayed very careful in those waters. Once Srila Gurudev hade a life-threatening experience basing in a Jagahhath Puri sea. He said, he went and the swimming and came to the end of earth, where there is a black hole in the ocean. In that black hole always pulling him and somehow he was freed from that pull gravity. And took the help of a fisherman came out of the water safe. So, he would always see us going to the ocean, to be careful there's a black ocean.
    Don't go far out. Would recommend not action they going in for swimming, but to take the water on our hands. Our math is situated right on the beach, very beautiful location. And Srila Gurudev and Srila Sridhar maharaj stoled Nitay Chaytanya Dev as our presiding deities. Worry in our math. And we have our guest house is there and gardens. Dear devotees there and, if been several times Srila Gurudev.
    We know Krishna to be Jagannath and Balabhadra, Baladev is brother Balaram, Subhadra is a sister and they are very ecstatic, looking very ecstatic and knows forms of ecstasy in separation from brajagopi is from Vrindavan. After hearing about the residents of Vrindavan brajagopis. The Lord became, like that, big eyes, arms go inside his body and ecstatic emotion.
    Forms of there's represent deep separation from Vrindavan and to bring them back to Vrindavan is the Ratha Yatra festival. Gundich is represantataion of Vrindavan. All very esoteric, very deep and a lot to be said, but we can hear more from Goswami maharaj, when he comes he just being to Jagannatha Puri with Avadhut maharaj and Sripad Bhakti Randjan Madhusudan maharaj. Now Srila Acharja maharaj is their in russian group. Big pilgrimage party still there and we're happy that no one got hurt to these parikrama.
    Everyone's being careful and mindful and had a successful all India, all the vaisnav tirtha, holy places they visited and receive the blessings, our Guru's.