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  • Twofold Sadhu-sanga

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    Author: Srimati Bhakti Lalita Devi Dasi Cycle: Beauty Over Power
    Duration: 00:04:37 Date: 2016-05-16 Size: 12.54Mb Place: Gupta Govardhan Chiang Mai Downloaded: 2855 Played: 6057

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    Question: Could you, please, offer advise to devotees who are living in place without much devotee association, in sutiation where association not be practising to be the higher standart in this aspect? Bhakti Lalita:
    Well, we know, sadhu- sanga is twofold and, if we do not, we do not have association of the sadhu in person- saint, sadhu means saint, we don't have their personal association, we can associate with them in a scriptures and books and readings
    their teachings and now in this modern day over the internet and through video and audio multimediaб even to Facebook. So, get your association in these ways and keep in touch with the devotees and be serious in your spiritual sadhana practice
    Try to embrace all the teachings and follow instructions of Guru and take all the advice of the scriptures and the sadhus in your heart and offer all your food, to your deity, to photo of the deities, picture of Guru and Gauranga.
    And on this way. She must in everyone in her association must benefit and make advancement in spiritual life and get good association. Now this all technology we have, really know lack of association.
    The opportunity to speak to all the sannyasi and vaisnavas and acharya by skype. Go to Goswami maharaj is livestream classes. Looked all wonderful things available on our official scsm.com and all different websites of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math.
    Make sure you have internet and study all the books in with attention with sincerity, like that.
    No lack of anything for anyone anymore, no more exuses anyone and try to once a year, twice a year, go and visit sadhus, the saints, try to go and partisipate in a festivals in India, Thailand, anywhere, where we have a temlpe congregation devotees, sannyasis and acharya.
    Where there's will there's way. So, we just need to want association, want spiritual progress. That's all.