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  • Uncompromised Devotion

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    Author: Srimati Bhakti Lalita Devi Dasi Cycle: Beauty Over Power
    Duration: 00:07:52 Date: 2016-05-16 Size: 20.95Mb Place: Gupta Govardhan Chiang Mai Downloaded: 2907 Played: 5126

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    Question: I've heard your class where you talk about our real home and family.
    It was good to hear. I have a complicated situation with my family. They have a problem with my spiritual life. They think I'm crazy. This made me sad, but now I'm feeling better about this. Maybe in the future they will understand. Please, can you say something more about this? Bhakti Lalita: Sure.
    Firstly we're always compassionate torrents every living entity, we know them and friends, family, animals, creatures, any living entity. We never know put anyone in exity.
    And compassionate towards them and compassionate towards ignorance is well, maybe people do not know what thei're doing due to their ignorance, they don't know what to think you don't know what believe, to the ignorance. So, we're patient and tolerant with everybody, in a pasttimes Jesus he was very compassionate towards those who crucified Him
    He prayed 'Lord,forgive them they do not know what they're doing'. So, the example of compassionate extreme and we owner that and we follow that and at the same time we are uncompromising in our fate and dedication you know devotion.
    We believe what we believe we have our spiritual values and conviction and we mass go forward it's progress this path whether people like it or not and
    Ultimately, everyone can love us for who we are or just life has to go on. whether it their family and friends and without them
    We're not interested in status quo and ...peoples choice is irrevilant us really ultimately is no cosequence for us in a peoples opinion.
    So, we're doing what we feel internally is favorable for our spiritual lives, we try to be humble, tolerant, respectful with everybody, but at the same time we can't compromise faith and devotion conviction and Sarvabhauma Bhattachrya spoke very beautiful words and Srila Sridhar maharaj quoted in Prapanna-Jivanamrita
    "parivada to..."  this words meaning is that people may criticise us, gossipers make gossip about us, we may be slandered we might be abused for being spiritual seekers
    Giving our lives to the truth, but we shall not heed them, we shall not be discouraged or compromise with them and rather we will be completely intoxicated in our spiritual lives with the nectar amrita devotion we will dance, chant and fall on the ground in ecstasy.
    So, it's irrelevant and as much as we want to be compassionate we also want to persevere we want to be fully engaged, you know, divine prospect and dance and chant in ecstasy.
    People may not like that and we can expect everyone like us, maybe your family members, maybe your friends, but ultimately we can't be concerned about them. We must be throught or believs and give our hearts to where we feel is a best place for hearts
    . Be who we are, be real, be interested in reality independent of ignorance in illusion the moods of nature. Sons, daughters and children nectar wants were meant for. And we can expect everyone will appreciate that. So, like that.
    We have to do our best and we do hope one day i loved ones will appreciate eventually that happens within all of our families they don't like seeing us going interaction forint to them, unknown to them and they might fearfully object
    We patient and tolerant with them, we try to be a good example and oneday we may to appreciate what we're doing. So, there is hope.
    Always hopeful.