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  • In Proximity to Greatness

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    Author: Srimati Bhakti Lalita Devi Dasi Cycle: Beauty Over Power
    Duration: 00:08:09 Date: 2016-05-16 Size: 21.80Mb Place: Gupta Govardhan Chiang Mai Downloaded: 2881 Played: 6326

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    The question is that service is such a sweet thing.
    Our heart realized it at some point but it's hard to explain to someone who is unfamiliar or just did not heard about it in this world where everyone wants to be the master. And how can we make this sweet thing revealed to others? Bhakti Lalita :
    Well, a natural outcome of somebody coming into contact with greatness is want to give and serve into open our hearts. Someone coming in touch with a great personality, spiritual couscious substance, transcendental subject matters
    The natural response to that is: "let me what do i need to do to come in touch with this tangibly"? It's a heart to heart transaction where we want to give ourselves. So, it takes it fortunate soul someone with sukriti, spiritual accumulated by is fortune to come in touch with greatness and to appreciate it
    And to  offering oneself and service. It'a automatic, it's natural, it's constitutional for all of us to want to serve. And it's only our perverted conditioning are misconception that we are masters, we're exploiters, everything is meant to satisfy our own selfish purposes that's misconstrued representation of who we are
    But when we do away with that misconception, when we come in touch with something substantially greater than us, the heart come forward enough for oneself and it maybe a slow process and it's very rare thing to want to serve to find someone in the plane of exploitation.
    Ignorant world, who wants to sacrifice their lives for truth for the supreme reality, it's opposite, direction and mainstream plan of expluatation
    We  going in different directions. So, to go in a upport direction plan and dedicationand and to extend that others it's rare that someone will want than appreciate that and want to participate, but we see it happening all the time. We have so many new godbrothers, godsisters and friends those who are appreciating spiritual subject matters philosophy, ontology, vaisnav culture, bhakti-yoga.
    People are appreciating in their coming on touch with greatness and their beginning to open their hearts and expirience something superior and more and more the heart flow allowance service connection.
    So, it's natural, it's automatic, it's supremely, sublime, it's tasteful, it's sweet, it's lifegiving, so fortunate soul coming in touch with it.
    Well, automatically want to serve, want to be a servant unit. So, it's not a matter force, if someone we need isn't appreciating it doesn't know about it. Then we respectfully distance ourselves and we give ourselves our time, our energy to those who want to know about it, want to participate.
    We give our energy to those people and Krishna is in everyone's heart and  there's a time and a place for everything and everybody.
    So, we keep and open mind and hopefull attitude in environment we're ready to serve everybody and that touches the hearts of fortune souls in this world
    So, we have to do this be humble servant, be trought to are ideals make ourselves available to those interested participaiting in serving practice what we preach.
    We always must, if we going to preach we have to practice and their allies were hypocrites and that, if we are sincerely practicing that willshine through in our preaching, it  touches to heart. And so powerfull thing we may not realize the impact we have on others to saying something and then we hear sometime later- " You change my life. Thank you".
    We don't even remember what we said happens a lot. So, we're believers free faith, free loving, love, service, we are thet, we give that to others and everything is alright.