We have some general understanding of word "home", what does "home" means and - when I'm at home - "home" means that house where you always go home or kind of connected to being living or family, or something like this.
Could you, please, give us some deeper understanding, some deeper meaning of the real home? And how can we be connected to that?Bhakti Lalita: Our Guru maharaj Srila Sridhar maharaj gave the example of madmen. Wondering on the streets, picking up pieces of paper, mindlessly, wandering
Thats were like in this world. We think were at home, we think this world is a home, our house is a home, but it's what kind of madness, not understand that it's not really in essence our home. Were eternal beings that immortal and we can not live here forever
We here for a short time and that time can come to end any moment, how could some place be our home if we can't stay there, we're here indefinetely and an come to all of us and that time we have live are so called homes,bodies, a families, everything we accumulated, we have to
We forced to do away of all of it. And then, take another birth and different situation and then again and again. Repeated birth and death. Wherever is mortality and repeated birth and death no way can be our home.
So, we have to go to the soul platform, eternal platform, where we do have a home and spiritual and eternal and will never have to live it
Where we are real family is and are spiritual engagment is eternally existant. And we understand to be far greater reality and eternal reality, that's ours it's birthright, souls property and place we're call home.
But now we a strange,we lost, we disconnected in this world we are live realise in it. And strogaling to exist, trying to feel at home, but really never really feel at home here.
But, when we meet the saints, the sadhus, the vaisnavas, our guru and connect to the spiritual reality, we start to feel in our hearts traces and indicators of home. This is a real family, devotees of the Lord, the saints.
Overcome this world know the truth and fixed in spiritual culture and understanding their giving up to us and that is home extending to us, open in up for us, embrasing us. So, we feel are connection coming from them and they will take us to home. We follow in footsteps, we serve lotus feet.0:05:15 And they will bring us home, where we can live and ... eternally and feel natural right it's constitutionally perfect
And will understand that here and now as prectitioners, will come in touch thats all plane, because it's existing within cousciousness, it'a plane of cousciousness that can awaken within us. Come in touch with.
So, like that. We here for their purpose this is focus of life to be reanstated, to go back to home and to understand that's our divine prospect and real necessity in life.
And Srila Gurudev he's sad: " You do not know how happines and beauty, and charm , and sweetness in your real home, in your spiritual home". and he sad:" just run ,run for your lives, don't look back you be welcomed with open arms".
You can find beautifull painting of Lord Krishna receiving Gopa Kumar in Goloka, welcomed by the Lord all of his assotiates, embracing him. So affectionly and lovingly and knowing everything Gopa Kumar went to go home.
Painstaking and ever he made Lord ..." How could you stay away, I so you crying for me and finally you'vand embraced him and bow fainting in ectasy. So, that is for all of us.
It's mercifully showing us and way how to go back, how to come in touch of real home with reality. Brihad Bhagavatamrita by Sanatana Goswami a labor discribes all the plane of existens and supreme plan and what goes on there, what is like
And shows how Gopa Kumar has been welcomed brought to his home and meets his family- brothers, sisters and parents and he already has a service, cowherd boy and has a place everything is perfect, looking very much, like world, but not.
Totally, transcendentally, eternal, extatic. Srila Sanatana Goswami very purify discribes the feelings Gopa Kumar enter into Goloka
And thats for all of us it's His grace have all of us to compose such a beautiful scripture and to teach us about reality from first hand expirience. It's a wonderfull book, if we have time, we should study Brihad Bhagavatamrita again and again.
Loving search for the love servant. Has some very wonderful stories and information about how Lord is lovingly searching for us and we can get much inspirations by reading this books.