Sometimes devotees feel envious towards other devotees - for example, if they see that others make more progress in their spiritual life or more appreciated by the Guru. And in reverse - sometimes devotees may feel that they are being envied, someone envies them. Can you, please, comment on this situation?
Bhakti Lalita: We know that's an impediment path of bhakti. To feel envy torts others and espesially, if you act on it, like we were just saying maybe in our minds some inauspiciousness misconception enters, but act on it just worsenes, problem
So we control in restrain ourselves and suppress these things and hope that will become purified and go away and more get correct idea. Just makes matters worse by acting on these impulsive unfavorable inauspicious thoughts and envy is want of the enemies have spiritual progress of God realisation, of selfrealisation Kama, krodha, lobha, moha
Six lust, anger, greed, hated, envy and madness six. So, it's an enemy and it's something we have to overcome and never act upon, it's ugly thing.
We overcome just by persevering , by endevoring for progress and one remedy is to serve that person you've envious of. Go out your way to serve them. It purifies the heart, go into something random special kindness, going wash their laundry, when they're not looking, fill up their water bottles
If you know their next in the betting clean the bathroom little bit. Buy him a present, can buy them a present.
Adjust the mine in the cousciousness and, if you feel someone envious of you, inverse, we can ignore it and hope it will go away and that the person will get relief and get purified, we don't want to lash out at them or do anything to heart them, because it's not a very happy feeling, when you feel someone envious of you.
It's makes your uncomfortable, it's awkward, but best thing to do this handle it is gracefully as possible. Grace under pressure, put some pressure on you, better not to make it into certified issue, blowing it out of proportion, trying to confront it.
Because we know this enemies: lust, anger, greed, envy they're like mushrooms on the heart. And they can be washed away, can be purified, cleans, removed