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  • Honey Bees and Lotus flowers

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    Author: Srimati Bhakti Lalita Devi Dasi Cycle: Beauty Over Power
    Duration: 00:07:32 Size: 19.94Mb Place: Gupta Govardhan Chiang Mai Downloaded: 2882 Played: 7023

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    Question: Why do we so often find in spiritual - in scriptures, in lectures in the words of the Vaishnavas - the comparisons with bees and lotus flowers? Bhakti Lalita:  
    Well, our grandfather, guru, Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj he composed Prapanna-jivanamrtam and that means in english spin translated as" life nectar for this surrendered souls", positive and progressive immortality his sub title. And in concluding verses one at the last verses in his book, he wrote a beautiful verse
    . And explaining his heart and his reason for composing is Prapanna-jivanamrtam. It's heartfelt expression of purpose behind his composotion this book Prapanna-jivanamrtam. Where he collected verses and beautiful poems about surrender, saranagati.
    About six limbs of surrender and verses from Srila Rupa Goswami, from Jamunacharja, from Srimad-Bhagavatam, Ragunath das Goswami. So many of a great vaishnav saints and members of are lineage guru parampara. That verses that are supporting the idea of surrender in all six limbs, he collected their verses and put it all into this book Prapanna-jivanamrtam.
    And in a ten chapter he put a verse that he composed and the first line of that is  "sri-srimad-bhagavat-padambuja-madhu-svadotsavaih sat-padair" it's a first line. And that means, this verse is translated as -glorifying the bumblebees, bees, who are intoxicated in a festival chanting and singing the glorious of the Lord.
    They busy humming that glorious of the Lord. And they become very ecstatic and in ecstasy little droplets of honey nectar fall from their mouth and scatter around. And Srila Sridhar maharaj says:" From my devine prospect and we also know for our devine prospect, he's collected those honey droplets, that fell from the mouth honey bees, which are really the great vaisnava devotees.
    And he says: "I've collected these, all these beautiful honey, nectar droplets from my own divine prospect for all the fortunate souls read this book and i offer my obeisances again and again to their lotus feet".
    So, we understand the bees signify the great devotees the lotus feet of the Lord, their Lord's lotus feet. I like in two lotus flowers, because of their beauty, because the toes are like a pedals, the reddishness of the buttoms of their lotus feet.
    They're like the beautiful effulgence of the lotus feet. And we know that the feet of the Lord worshipped by all the great souls, all the great devotees and there's sweetness in a wordhipped and so much effulgence is coming from the lotus feet.
    So, likened to the abode of nectar, the abode of sweetness, beauty and we begin our worship at the feet of the Lord and we go up and see his divine form in a deity form. It's how we learn to worship from feets and looking enable to the chest in his face.
    So, the lotus feet of the Lord you'll find that expression many of are books and vaisnavas scriptures. It's very significant. So, like that it's a beautiful expression conveying the heart of Srila Sridhar maharaj that all these beautiful verses spoken, the singing and chanting is the expression of these great saints that he's collected their verses and compiled then into Prapanna-jivanamrtam to share with everyone, to teach them about nectar of surrender and to sooth the heart of all surrendered souls, it's the life nectar for surrendered souls, those, who have surrendered to the supreme absolute truth, hearing this word of the great saints.
    And is sustaining the lives of devotees, of surrender devotees, Saranagata vaisnavas. So, this is one very beautiful verse, dear to our Gurudev and very famous has a concluding verse in Prapanna-jivanamrtam.
    And hat's what's come to my mind in order to answer this question.