Question: Can you please tell the difference between love for Krishna and love for the devotees? Can we tell about loving Krishna without loving His devotees? Bhakti Lalita: Well, we'v from the very beginning have learned from Srila Gurudev that devotee then more dear to Krishna then he oneself and he is on life. He loves them more then he loves himself. And if we can serve his devotees, he would be extremely pleased, because he can't serve them. They do not exept service from him, they don't asking from anything.
So, we'v heard from our Gurudev, all of our Gurus tell this. And that how we'v been nurture from very beginning. So, we also know, we living in association of the sadhus, gurus and vaisnavas.
And we follow etiquette and we honored them, worshipping them, serving them. So, how anyone could think otherwise, what have to be misunderstanding idea.
So, that what also probably indicate not in association, they not hearing from higher source. They not getting a proper understanding. So we always recommend for everyone to stay in puperior association, hear of a higher source, study the books, follow practice according to our Gurus recomendations and follow the instructions. Then we will get proper understanding.
. We study ender a guidance. So, we don't come to the wrong conclusions. Sometimes, people, who are leaving in isolation can come a very strange ideas. Very distorted ideas about themself, about others, about philosophy, about spiritual things. Very few people can frame in isolation. We need good devotee associasion with devotee associasion , well adjusted, superior to us
.This way always have right idea. Always get corrected and have good examples. We don't have much of otherwise we owner the likely heard of developing misconceptions and not getting nutrition is very great. Likely heard of us loosing our inspiration and getting more submarriged into material life and energy that is very great.
It's strong material energy that we are face in and we need backing and we need support of the devotees, to make progress and have right idea to be healthy and well-adjusted servitors. So, someone comes up with unical ideas we know is not correct. And claim to know something about Krishna consciousness. We can understand and some underdevelopment here some unlucking and misconception. Try to put them in a circle of good associasion. encouraged them to stay with the devotees, serve the devotees, join a classes.
Some people live very far away and may only relay on internet and books as sadhu-sanga and also form of sadhu sanga, but passive, not active. But that is also form of sadhu sanga. Go to the books, hear lectures, audio and video you can find online in a right source, we don't want to go wrong websites hear anything about Krishna. We want to go in a authentic way. So many wonderfull websites with our mission and thats one form of sadhu sanga.
Bhagavad Gita- can be study, read and you will, if you reading attentievly, you see how much Krishna is underline the important of his devotees. How dear they are to him. He says again and again and every chapter some reference to bhakti-yoga and supremacy of bhakti-yoga
. So, we must get right idea, have to get a right. We have to...friends and family get right.
Mean stay in a right association.