I've heard recently this expression that ego is a knot that keeps the material and the spiritual together. Could you, please, comment on this statement?
Bhakti Lalita: False ego and pure ego. And when soul disembodied in material body, material inveronment in the plan of exploitation. The ego becomes false fall sensive reality, who we are. I'm master of all, i survey and i'm an exploiter, everything's meant for my enjoyment, for my senses to become established, to reign in Hell. This is a false ego.
The way it thinks and everything's meant for my enjoyment and i must exploited to the max live life to the fullest from my own purpose, selfish purpose and extended selfishness, living for that.
Thats living under the influence of a false ego. But a pure ego is :" I'm servant to the supreme Lord, Krishna, Vishnu". And let me serve, let me be an instrument for the supreme Lord divine will.
And one in to be serving unit and love the Lord. This is the symptoms mentality of someone with a pure ego.
So, we want be without ego, when they were embodied or we are in our svarup, in our divine forms servitors in eternal world. Everything here is perverted. You find the original, divine transcendental super conscious world to be pure and in that type of servitor mood.
So, this way we can purify or false egos they come purified through Krishna Consciousness practicing- sravanam, kirtanam. Through mercy of guru, sadhu, guru, vaisnavas, the false ego can become purified inventively pure, unalloyed.
That's our hope. We're trying for that and practicing for that and that awakens in a consciousness. We realise as we make progress, i'm really servant of the supreme.
I'm not an exploiter, that's not natural, unnatural for the soul. Soul will never find happiness in a plan of exploitation. So, if we're blessed and fortunate well developer pure egos come in touch, that pure ego and do away false one, transformed, purified.
And that's a glorious thing. It's just another facet, another dimension of purifying effect Krishna Counscious life has upon us
everything becomes fixed, everything becomes harmonized, purified, transformed. So, so much hope in the grace of saddhus, gurus,vaisnavas.
Always busy to try to attract their merciful glance in a blessings, its our hope.