I knew by the time I was 14 or 15, that it was all lies, it was all nonsense. Plastic people ... All superficial.
The boast of heraldry, the pomp of pow’r, And all that beauty, all that wealth e’er gave, Awaits alike th’ inevitable hour. The paths of glory lead but to the grave.
Or as Frank Zappa said,You can have it, I don’t need it, Take your TV tube and eat it.It is all the same: you wake up one day and figure out—you are being inundated with humanistic sloganeering being stuffed down your soul, telling you to believe that, “We have moved away from the monarch conception. Now you are king!” Right? Yeah ... What kind of king you are? “Now you are the king, you are the queen.”
People who swallow humanistic sloganeering—hook, line, and sinker—are ill-prepared to deal with mortal existence, which is the only type available here presently. “The paths of glory lead but to the grave.” It all ends up in the graveyard, then what?—Oh, nobody knows.—No, you don’t know, and nobody you know, knows. But that doesn’t mean that nobody knows.
Knowledge above mortality—āmnāyaḥ prāha tattvaṁ. If the Infinite can make Itself known to the finite, if you can accept that prospect that by in a realm of infinite possibility the Infinite can make Itself known to the finite, then you put yourself in a position to appreciate the value of revealed truth. This is theism, basic theism 101. Then we can proceed from there.