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  • Kindness to all jiva-souls

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    Author: Srimati Bhakti Lalita Devi Dasi
    Duration: 00:03:26 Date: 2014-04-17 Size: 29.72Mb Place: Gupta Govardhan Chiang Mai Downloaded: 1933 Played: 3479

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    Devotee: What is genuine kindness and how to be kind in a real way to others?

    Bhakti Lalita: jiva doya, kindness to all jivas, to all living entities, that is out duty as devotees or aspiring devotees. One of our duties is to be kind and merciful to all jiva-souls. That extends to the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, the insects, we don't want to put any other living entity in anxiety ever. So, the greatest kindness we can have to others is extend spiritual consciousness to them. Extend and distribute what is the solution to all the problems.


    And that is spiritual life, Krishna Consciousness, vaishnava dharma. We want to give that out and the most kind you can be to another living entity - distribute prashadam, talk about Krishna, address the universal need of everyone who’s suffering in this world in separation from Krishna. That is the number one cause of suffering - that we're separated from Krishna. We're disconnected and revolving in this material world aimlessly. So, to give that connection to someone is like, a life saver, drowning in the sea of nations.


    So, by distributing awareness, Krishna Consciousness to others - that's the way you can be the most kind to another living entity. We say, a real friend is someone who can take you out danger and bring you to safety. A real friend will take you out of plane of birth, death, old age, disease and bring you to eternal life, give you the eternal life or direct you, help you out of danger. That's a real friend in this world. Ok?