āmi ta’ svānanda-sukhada-vāsī
āmi–I; ta’–certainly; svānanda-sukhada (śrī rādhā-kaiṅkaryera kuñja-viśeṣa)–of the grove known as ‘Svānanda-sukhada’ (of the specific grove of the personal service of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī); vāsī–a resident; rādhikā-mādhava–of the Divine Couple; charaṇa–of the lotus feet; dāsī–a maidservant.
1 I am a resident of Svānanda-sukhada-kuñja and a maidservant of the lotus feet of Śrī Śrī Rādhikā-Mādhava.
āmi–I; ta’–certainly; svānanda-sukhada (śrī rādhā-kaiṅkaryera kuñja-viśeṣa)–of the grove known as ‘Svānanda-sukhada’ (of the specific grove of the personal service of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī); vāsī–a resident; rādhikā-mādhava–of the Divine Couple; charaṇa–of the lotus feet; dāsī–a maidservant.
1 I am a resident of Svānanda-sukhada-kuñja and a maidservant of the lotus feet of Śrī Śrī Rādhikā-Mādhava.
du̐hāra milane ānanda kari’
du̐hara viyoge duḥkhete mari
du̐hara–of the Divine Couple; milane–in the meeting; ānanda–ecstasy; kari’–I do; du̐hara–of the Divine Couple; viyoge–in the separation; duḥkhete–by the distress; mari–I die.
2 I rejoice when the Divine Couple are united. I die with distress when They are separated.
du̐hara viyoge duḥkhete mari
du̐hara–of the Divine Couple; milane–in the meeting; ānanda–ecstasy; kari’–I do; du̐hara–of the Divine Couple; viyoge–in the separation; duḥkhete–by the distress; mari–I die.
2 I rejoice when the Divine Couple are united. I die with distress when They are separated.
sakhī-sthalī nāhi heri nayane
dekhile śaibyāke paḍaye mane
sakhīsthalī (chandrāvalī pakṣera adhikṛta sthāna)–at the place known as ‘Sakhīshalī’ (the place occupied by Chandrāvalī) nāhi–not; heri–I look; nayane–with my eyes; dekhile–if I see; śaibyāke (chandrāvalīra pakṣera anugatā sakhī viśeṣa)–to Śaibyā (a particular friend and follower of Chandrāvalī); paḍaye–falls; mane–in my mind.
3 I never cast my glance towards Sakhī-sthalī. If I see it, I am reminded of Śaibyā.
dekhile śaibyāke paḍaye mane
sakhīsthalī (chandrāvalī pakṣera adhikṛta sthāna)–at the place known as ‘Sakhīshalī’ (the place occupied by Chandrāvalī) nāhi–not; heri–I look; nayane–with my eyes; dekhile–if I see; śaibyāke (chandrāvalīra pakṣera anugatā sakhī viśeṣa)–to Śaibyā (a particular friend and follower of Chandrāvalī); paḍaye–falls; mane–in my mind.
3 I never cast my glance towards Sakhī-sthalī. If I see it, I am reminded of Śaibyā.
ye ye pratikūla chandrāra sakhī
prāṇe duḥkha pāi tāhāre dekhi’
ye ye–whoever; pratikūla–unfavorable; chandrāra–of Chandrāvalī; sakhī–girlfriends; prāṇe–in my heart; duḥkha–distress; pāi–I get; tāhāre–of them; dekhi’–seeing.
4 I feel pain in my heart whenever I see any of the unfavorable friends of Chandrāvalī.
prāṇe duḥkha pāi tāhāre dekhi’
ye ye–whoever; pratikūla–unfavorable; chandrāra–of Chandrāvalī; sakhī–girlfriends; prāṇe–in my heart; duḥkha–distress; pāi–I get; tāhāre–of them; dekhi’–seeing.
4 I feel pain in my heart whenever I see any of the unfavorable friends of Chandrāvalī.
rādhikā-kuñja ā̐dhāra kari’
la-ite chāhe se rādhāra hari
rādhikā–of Rādhārāṇī; kuñja–grove; ā̐dhāra–gloom; kari’–doing; la-ite–to take; chāhe–want; se–they; rādhāra–of Rādhārāṇī; hari–Kṛṣṇa.
5 They always want to take away Rādhā’s Hari (Hari who belongs to Rādhikā) and enshroud the grove of Rādhikā with gloom.
la-ite chāhe se rādhāra hari
rādhikā–of Rādhārāṇī; kuñja–grove; ā̐dhāra–gloom; kari’–doing; la-ite–to take; chāhe–want; se–they; rādhāra–of Rādhārāṇī; hari–Kṛṣṇa.
5 They always want to take away Rādhā’s Hari (Hari who belongs to Rādhikā) and enshroud the grove of Rādhikā with gloom.
pratikūla-jana nā heri mukha
śrī-rādhā-govinda–of the Divine Couple; milana–meeting; sukha–happiness; pratikūla–unfavorable; jana–of persons; nā–not; heri–I look; mukha–at the face.
6 I never look at the face of anyone who is opposed to the ecstatic union of Śrī Rādhā and Govinda.
pratikūla-jana nā heri mukha
śrī-rādhā-govinda–of the Divine Couple; milana–meeting; sukha–happiness; pratikūla–unfavorable; jana–of persons; nā–not; heri–I look; mukha–at the face.
6 I never look at the face of anyone who is opposed to the ecstatic union of Śrī Rādhā and Govinda.
rādhā-pratikūla yateka jana
sambhāṣaṇe kabhu nā haya mana
rādhā–towards Rādhārāṇī; pratikūla–unfavorable; yateka–all; jana–persons; sambhāṣaṇe–in conversing; kabhu–ever; nā–not; haya–is; mana–in the heart.
7 My heart never desires to speak with anyone who is inimical towards Śrī Rādhikā.
sambhāṣaṇe kabhu nā haya mana
rādhā–towards Rādhārāṇī; pratikūla–unfavorable; yateka–all; jana–persons; sambhāṣaṇe–in conversing; kabhu–ever; nā–not; haya–is; mana–in the heart.
7 My heart never desires to speak with anyone who is inimical towards Śrī Rādhikā.
bhakativinoda śrī-rādhā-charaṇe
sa̐pechhe parāṇa atīva yatane
bhakativinoda–Bhakti Vinod; śrī-rādhā–of Rādhārānī; charaṇe–at the lotus feet; sa̐pechhe–has surrendered; parāṇa (prāṇa)–his life (heart); atīva–very greatly; yatane–with care.
8 Bhakti Vinod has surrendered his heart and soul at the lotus feet of Śrī Rādhikā with extreme earnestness.
sa̐pechhe parāṇa atīva yatane
bhakativinoda–Bhakti Vinod; śrī-rādhā–of Rādhārānī; charaṇe–at the lotus feet; sa̐pechhe–has surrendered; parāṇa (prāṇa)–his life (heart); atīva–very greatly; yatane–with care.
8 Bhakti Vinod has surrendered his heart and soul at the lotus feet of Śrī Rādhikā with extreme earnestness.