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  • Ramani Siromani

    Song's name: Śrī Rādhāṣṭaka, 2
    Written by Śrīla Bhakti Vinod Ṭhākur

    Kirtans sung by Śrīla Bhakti Rakṣak Śrīdhar Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj and Śrīla Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj on Rādhāṣṭamī Day in 1982.

    We apologise for the audio quality. It's being posted as vintage classic recordings.

    Sri Radhastami 1992 - Ramani Siromani

    Author: Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj Cycle: Sri Radhastami 1992 Uploaded by: Radha Raman das Created at: 19 November, 2012
    Duration: 00:02:22 Size: 3.26Mb Place: SCSMath Nabadwip Downloaded: 2864 Played: 6397

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    ramaṇī-śiromaṇi,  bṛṣabhānu-nandinī,
    chhinna-puraṭa jini’, varna-vikāśinī,
    baddha-kabarī hari-prāna

    1 The beloved daughter of King Vṛṣabhānu, Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī, is the crest-jewel of all the young damsels of Vṛṇdāvan. She is fond of wearing blue garments. Her radiant complexion is very pleasing and conquers the brightness of freshly cut gold. Her charming locks of hair are nicely arranged and she is the life and soul of Lord Kṛṣṇa.
    ābharaṇa-maṇḍita,  hari-rasa-paṇḍita,
    kañchulikāchchhāditā,  stana-maṇi-maṇḍitā,
    kajjala-nayanī rasālā

    2 She is artfully adorned with jewels, She is expert in all of the various sweet devotional relationships with the Lord. Her forehead is further beatified by the presence of the tilak mark. Her breasts are covered with a beautiful corset and adorned with valuable gems, and Her eyes are anointed with black collyrium. Thus she appears as relishable sweetness personified.
    sakala tyajiyā se rādhā-charaṇe
    dāsī ho’ye bhaja parama-jatane

    3 Giving up everything and becoming a maidservant at the lotus feet of Rādhā, just worship and serve Her with great care and attention.
    saundarya-kirana dekhiyā jāṅhār
    rati-gaurī-līlā garva-parihār
    Beholding Her effulgent rays of pure beauty, the goddesses Rati, Gaurī, and Līlā abandon all their pride.
    śachī-lakṣmī-satya saubhāgya bolane
    parājita hoy jāṅhāra charaṇe
    5 The good fortune attributed to the goddesses Śachī, Lakṣmī, and Satyā is completely defeated in the presence of Rādhā's feet.
    kṛṣṇa-vaśīkāre chandrāvalī-ādi
    parājay māne hoiyā vivādī

    6 The group of rival gopīs led by Chandrāvalī is forced to accept their defeat before Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī, for She alone controls Kṛṣṇa. Thus they always sulk and simply remain quarrelsome.
    hari-dayita rādhā-charaṇa prayāsī
    bhakativinoda śrī-godruma-bāsī

    7 Bhaktivinoda, a resident of Śrī Godruma, always endeavors for the lotus feet of Rādhā, the most beloved of Lord Hari.