Goswāmī Mahārāj: Alright! [laughing] Thank you sir, Devendra. Devā Indra, the Indra of the devās is Kṛṣṇa. Indra means 'king.' It's not his name, his position. They all have different names. But the three pugals that run Navadwip: Brahmā, Viṣṇu, and Śiva. Are Brahmā means Haridāsa Ṭhākur. Viṣṇu in this context, Nimāi Paṇḍit Mahāprabhu. And, Śiva; Sadā-Śiva Advaita Ācārya Prabhu. So, I said Nityānanda. He's his own category of pugal. [laughing] The avadhūt. And, avadhūt can... is described as one who can deal with filthy things, but not be touched by it.
Like, Guru Mahārāj would say it in various ways. But, sometimes he'd say, “If you see Nityānanda coming out of a whorehouse, with a bottle of wine in one hand and a arm around a prostitute. What do you do? Saṣṭāṅga-daṇḍavat.” That's what you do [laughing] That's kind of like, you know, underscoring the... not, what do you call it..? sanitizing. And... And, sometimes he would say that the prostitute was a Muslim. To like, ratchet it up a little bit. [laughing] But, Gurudev... al... he always can express the truth very succinctly. That's one of his specialties, actually; short-form.
He always said, “Everyone knows that Guru Mahārāj is Rūpa Goswāmī's man. So, why is he always saying 'Dayāl Nitaī, dayāl Nitaī, Nitaī Chaitanya dayal'” One thing I liked that he said, that I haven't found anywhere except from His Holy Lotus lips was... And, I liked the sequencing and everything about it was... Because, we know in the Pañca-tattva; śrī-kṛṣṇa-chaitanya prabhu nityānanda, śrī advaita gadādhara śrīvāsādi-gaura-bhakta-vṛnda. But, sometimes Guru Mahārāj would chant, nitāi-gaur-gadādhar-advaita-śrīvās, like that. Nitaī-gaur-gadādhar-advaita-śrīvās. And, I liked it because Nityānanda Prabhu comes first. Nitaī, and... and then it's gaur-gadādhar.
Nitaī-gaur-gadādhar-advaita-śrīvās. Something really wonderful about that. And, I was mentioning this in Moscow many years ago and, the little boy Gadādhar Prem, he wrote a paper. You know, like, sometimes children give us drawings. And, he wrote in it, in Russian, “Nitaī-gaur-gadādhar-advaita-śrīvās.” I have it on my altar to this day. I really liked it. And, he did that. His mother use to wonder about him when he was younger. And, he said to her once, he said, “Don't worry mom, I'm crazy.” [laughing] “That's why I do all these things. Don't worry mom, I'm crazy.” [laughing]
He's very sweet. As, when Śacī-mātā thought that Nimaī Paṇḍit had lost His mind, when He came back from Gayā. And, one day He's laughing madly, like for nine hours. If someone laughed for nine minutes, we would be impressed. They'd be on TV. In America, they'd have their own show, you know. Nine hours of nonstop mad laughter. So, she's thinking, “He's lost His mind.” Calls for an Ayurvedic doctor. He's putting the... Sometimes they call it Viṣṇu Oil. What's the other name for this oil you put on your head to cool down?
Devotee: Sandalwood.
Goswāmī Mahāraj: Huh?
Devotee: Sandalwood?
Goswāmī Mahāraj: No. That's another one. Prabhupād used sandalwood. I forget what it is, but I'll think of it later. So, he's doing that. It's not affective. Then, they think, like, they make a bathtub... fill a bathtub with it, put Him in there. And, maybe it... 'cause this is an extreme case. And, maybe that will do the trick. And, then He's just splashing in that tub. Like, Keto in the flowerpot. [laughing] So, Mother Śacī's like, “Ohhhh, Viśvarūp took sannyās, now Nimaī's lost His mind.” Śrīvās Ṭhākur shows up. “Oh, Śrīvās, what to do? Nimaī He's pāgal, laughing madly for nine hours nonstop...”
And, Śrīvās Ṭhākur says, “What He's got, I want a drop of that.” And, then He stopped laughing. And, said, “Śrīvās, if you thought I was crazy, then I would just leave the world. But, that you understand, then I think we have something to do together.” Actually, nitaī-gaur-gadādhar-advaita-śrīvās.
svarupaṁ bibhraṇo jagad-atulam advaita-dayitaḥ
prapanna-śrīvaso janita-paramananda-garima
harir dīnoddharī gajapati-kṛpotseka-taralaḥ
sa caitanyaḥ kim me punar api dṛśor yasyati padam
(Stava-mālā: 1.3)
Rūpa Goswāmī said, “What I saw.” He's the eye witness, but Rūpa eyes. Not ordinary eye witness. He said, “Will I ever behold these divine, this divine vision, these divine pastimes again?” Well... I wanted to reference my notes, because Śrīla Guru Mahāraj said so many things. And, I try to represent them, from time to time. But, they're so extensive... like one... I took notes, I would say, waking up at four o'clock in the morning 'till eight, a good four hours.
I took notes on Guru Mahārāj's talks for around fifteen years. And, thought... One day, like... I didn't actually wanted print out, but I thought like, command-p, just to see how many pages that is. I thought, “Who knows, maybe I have 50 pages, or 150. My gosh, maybe 250.” And, the like spinning ball was there, and I was like, “What's going on here?” And, it just like, took such a long time. And, then I finally looked over and it was 2,500 pages. But, not of transcription, of things that are noteworthy— of notes. Right. And, in the beginning, was Guru Mahārāj's words. Like, in the Bible; in the beginning, like that.
And, like bhakti-siddhānta-vāṇī. Vāṇī and vapu, vāṇī. And, when I went to Śrīla Guru Mahārāj, somehow I understood that I should record him. From the first visit, you know, it was just... I thought it should be done. But, after I made, maybe 18, 20 recordings, I realized he must be recorded for posterity.
This is when the devotees would approach Kṛṣṇa Kavirāj Goswāmī in the aftermath of the disappearance of Mahāprabhu and Svarūp Dāmodar. They would hear... Because, he inherited the wealth of what was within, svarupaṁ bibhraṇo jagad-atulam, the incomparable observations and insight of Svarūp Dāmodar and, also, Raghunāth Dās Goswāmī. The devotees prompted, you know, pleaded with him to present Chaitanya-charitāmṛtam.
So, when I went to take permanent shelter at the lotus feet of Śrīla Guru Mahārāj, in August of 1981, he wanted to know what my intention was. Like, what I was going to do practically. And, so when it was conveyed to him that, like, record him. And, then certain things would come from that, like transcript... extraction, transcription, structuring, publishing. But, he said, with regard to, like recording him and hearing from him. And, so we could hear him, he said, “As your life's engagement.”
You know... And, I, “Yeah!” And, he said... he said, “I tried to collect the maximum from my Guru Mahārāj.” He said, “And, I did. But, my tendency for distribution was not so great.” He said, “So, you should be with me and, like, extract from me. And, then go and distribute that. So, come and gather, and then distribute.” Like that. And, of course, I agreed. But, when I finally agreed to, or actually, suggest that I return to America and start sharing what I was hearing.
Not with him, but with other devotees, I said, “There's one condition.” It was kind of a bluff, but it was a real bluff. I said, “You have to record him every day. and at every possible time, and send me the tapes.” And, they agreed. And, Śrīpad Sagar Mahārāj was outstanding in that regard, because he's expert at everything, including electronics. So, when the equipment would break, he had a little kit. And, he'd like, fix it. [chuckling] Fix microphones, fix the recorder, you know... So, you know, he really kept it rolling, literally kept the tape rolling. So...
And, Guru Mahārāj said later, that the wealth of Śrīla Saraswatī Ṭhākur, that was stored in him. He was right, he said, “Now, in my final days it's coming out.” 'Cause somethings like his gāyatrī explanation, Śrīla Govinda Mahārāj did not favor distributing that publicly. He favored, it's in Bengali... it's in Sanskrit and Bengali, you know. It's really Sanskrit, but Bengali script... like... And, you know, who can penetrate there? So, he did not favor distributing it or publishing it. But, I asked Guru Mahārāj for the explanation. And, which came... Śrīla Govinda Mahārāj went... We went up there and Śrīla Govinda Mahārāj, like, had to like gently, sweetly get Guru Mahārāj...
Like a calf and a cow, get him where the nectarean substance would come out. But, Guru Mahārāj said, “If I don't do this, it won't be done. It will never... you know... no one will know.” And, it's not a peripheral thing, or anecdotal. When someone would want to know, “What does he got, that no one else has got?” He would give his gāyatrī explanation. Where he's extracting rādhā-dāsyam from the brahmā-gāyatrī. And, there is no one else who has done that. Period. Full stop. So, you think about it. In the history of Vedic culture. Go through all the Ācārya's, the whole disciplic succession, the spiritual... He extracted rādhā-dāsyam from the brahmā-gāyatrī.
No one else in the history... Not just now, not Brahmā, not Madhva, not Rāmānuja, they did not. He did. So, as he said about Bhaktivinod Ṭhākur, in his Bhaktivinod-viraha Daśakam... the verse... it's not actually translated fully. The full expression is not in the translation. What he's saying is, “What Bhaktivinod Ṭhākur has, has exceeded Rāmānuja and Madva.” He's not saying, it's like equal to that. He's saying, “He's gone beyond them. Beyond Madva, beyond Rāmānuja.” And, so has Guru Mahārāj. He's exceeded Mādhvācārya, he has exceeded Rāmānuja, ontologically speaking. We're not diminishing their contributions.
But... so... But, that Maṭh that you see, the Chaitanya Saraswat Maṭh, it's foundation is the grace or the mercy of Nityānanda Prabhu. And, one of the notes I have, Guru Mahārāj says, “To make our foundation invulnerable, we take refuge in the feet of Nityānanda Prabhu, always.” And, here's the point. The more the foundation is strengthened, the more construction it will be able to rise up. The foundation of devotion comes from Nityānanda Prabhu, nitāiyera karuṇā habe, vraje rādhā-kṛṣṇa pābe (Manaḥ Śikṣa: 3). But, what he's saying, “The more the foundation is strengthened, the more the construction it will be able to sustain.” That makes total sense. Sometimes Guru Mahārāj will say, “I take stand on, you know, common sense.”
And, I remember when Śrīla Ācārya Mahārāj was building a gate at Govinda Kuṇḍa. It seemed like forever. They were just digging deeper and deeper and deeper. And, I wondering, like, “When are they going to put the gate up?” I said, “Why are they doing that?” They just keep going deeper and deeper and deeper. And, he said, “So, they'll have a strong foundation.” Right. “We could put it up, but environmental circumstances, like winds, or this and that, could knock it over. But, we're going... we're going deep in this direction, so that the foundation will be...” What is the word he used here? “Invulnerable.” That's the point. Everyone, every neophyte in Kṛṣṇa Consciousness, they just want to get everything rapidly.
Guru Mahārāj said, “Like eating a sweet ball.” [clicking sound] Pop it in your mouth like a gulab jamun, rasgulla, something like that. And, he would say, “Kṛṣṇa's not a sweet ball, although He is rasā-rāj.” Right. Foundation. So, the Maṭh... and, why do I say that? Because, we know that Śrīla Guru Mahārāj contemplated retiring in three places. First, was Uddhava-kyari, the site of the Bhramara-gītā. Right.
His act... His... saying that, “Service according to the intensity of its necessity, draws renumeration.” On the basis of Bhaktivinod Ṭhākur, Saraswatī Ṭhākur's parikramā of the holy places of India, and Bhaktivinod saying, we all know, “Vṛndāvan's for the hollow, shallow thinkers. A man of real bhajan will prefer Kurukṣetra.” Meaning, where Kṛṣṇa and the vraja-gopīs meet. Just a reminder, this is highly contextual. Because, separation reaches its zenith point there, and so, She has the greatest necessity for assistance. So, according to the intensity of necessity, service draws renumeration. Bhaktivinod Ṭhākur identified that as the point to target in bhajan. Right.
And, bhajan is not like, you know, thinking about stuff. It's direct service. It's not sitting around thinking about stuff. You know, doing 'air bhajan' with some spiritual wall paper. And, the good incense. Make sure you have the good incense, so that the mood is just right. You know, that's taking Kṛṣṇa as a sweet ball. Bhajan is direct service. So, anyway, that's a point— zenith point. But, another point is the Bhramara-gītā. Why do I say this with... you know... certainty, is that... It's why Mahāprabhu descended first of all. His internal reason. Beyond distributing nām-saṅkīrtan.
Bahirangha sange-kore nam-sankirtan, antarangha sange-kore rasa-asvadan (Śrīla Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj). And, what so of rāsa tasting? As Gurudev would say, “What is His tasting matter?” Therein lies the secret, pīḍābhir nava-kālakūṭa-kaṭutā-garvasya nirvāsano (Vm: 2.18.1). Rūpa Goswāmī saying, this... “The heart in separation, by the force of affection, it's squeezing the... the heart is being squeezed by affection and separation. And, producing a superior, the most superior type of prem.” It only comes out at that time, not in union.
And, all the genuine devotees know this. Only the posers do not. Right. The fraud, those who were... To quote a phrase in Gurudev... you know... “A fraud when they were conceived in the womb of their mothers.” Not, like they came out, went bad. “They were a fraud when they were conceived in the womb of their mothers.” They don't get it. Right. But, here... So, this is the tasting matter of Mahāprabhu as Kṛṣṇa, He knows everything about union, right, lakṣmī-sahasra-śata-sambhrama-sevyamānaṁ (Bs: 5.29.3). Again, Gurudev very simply said, there... “Kṛṣṇa, Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa difference: Vaikuṇṭha; one Lakṣmī, one Nārāyaṇ.” Are you still with me?
One Lakṣmī, one Nārāyan. Kṛṣṇa; thousands, billions of Lakṣmīs one Kṛṣṇa. That's how he said. Want to understand Kṛṣṇa's enjoying capacity. There's no mādhura-rasa in Vaikuṇṭha. So... Bhramara-gītā, why do I say that? Because, if you're in the Antya-līlā; Chaitanya-charitāmṛtam will say that in His last 12 years of His manifest pastimes, which is a yuga. Twelve years is also a yuga, poetically speaking.
yugāyitaṁ nimeṣeṇa
cakṣuṣā prāvṛṣāyitam
śūnyāyitaṁ jagat sarvaṁ
govinda-viraheṇa me
(Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta: Antya-līla, 20.39)
Govinda-viraha, separation, that's what He's plunging the depths of, rādhā-bhāva-dyuti-suvalitaṁ (Cc: Adī-līlā, 1.5.4), the heart of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī. Right. In the company of Svarūp and Rāmānanda: Lalitā and Viśākhā, who know how to assist Rādhārāṇī in that condition. Right. So, that... and, it says like the Uddhava-darśan. So, it will say in the book, something like, “And, He's behind closed doors with Svarūp Dāmodar and... And, what are they doing? You know, they're... whatever they're doing it's like when they saw Uddhava.” That's not what it means.
And, I don't ever fault Śrīla Prabhupād for this stuff. But, some of the history of the publishing of those... the books. Right. Uddhava-darśan, what was Uddhava doing there? [laughing] You know. He's delivering a message from Kṛṣṇa to the vraja-gopīs. Right, where Kṛṣṇa's saying, “They should learn yoga, and how to meditate, and God is everywhere.” [laughing] And, it just upset the gopīs, this type of thing. But, He wanted Uddhava to observe them. While he's delivering the message, Rādhārāṇī is a... spun off in Her own divine madness, and a big bhramar; bumblebee, that are yellow and black, comes. And, he has pollen on his mustache.
And, we're not qualified to speak about that, but it was Guru Mahārāj's specialty. And, Bābājī Mahārāj and Bon Mahārāj liked to hear him explain these ten types of prajalpa; mad talk. Pralāp means mad talk. And, prajalpa, here means 'mad talks that cannot be easily... they appear to be nonsense, but they're not. It takes an expert to extract from there. One of which, we can say, is the...
sakṛd-adana-vidhūta-dvandva-dharmā vinaṣṭāḥ
sapadi gṛha-kuṭumbaṁ dīnam utsṛjya dīnā
bahava iha vihaṅgā bhikṣu-caryāṁ caranti
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.47.18)
Where She's saying... [laughing] Rādhārāṇi is saying, “A drop of hearing the nectar of Kṛṣṇa,..” yad-anucarita-līlā-karṇa-pīyūṣ means nectar. “The vipruṭ-
sakṛd-adana-vidhūta-dvandva-dharmā vinaṣṭāḥ will ruin you, destroy you.” That's what She's saying. It will ruin your life. Right. That... that we should put on a banner, —Kṛṣṇa Consciousness: We will ruin you life. [laughing] And, what's he saying, “Your mundane life will become ruined.” You won't actually ever be able to take it seriously again, even if you try. And, that's supported by the Nārada's ślokas in the Bhāgavatam.
Kṛṣṇa Consciousness will keep eating at you, the remembrance of that. Even, if you only have a brush with it, it's so potent. And, She saying, “A drop, that's yad-anucarita-līlā-karṇa-pīyūṣa-vipruṭ-sakṛd-adana-vidhūta-dvandva-dharmā vinaṣṭāḥ (SB:−2), ruin you.” And, other things. But, it's all inverted. So, the experts require to extract, and Guru Mahārāj. But, that is the Bhramara-gītā, Her song to the bumblebee. Whom, one minute She thinks like, “A messenger from Kṛṣna.” Then, She thinks, “Maybe it's actually Kṛṣṇa, in a form of a bumblebee.” Some say that. Kṛṣṇa came in a form of a bumblebee to observe Her. And, when She thinks it's Kṛṣṇa, She sees the yellow and black, and then the pollen, and anyway it's not for me to say.
But... that, we're told, that's Mahāprabhu behind closed doors, that's what he's doing 24 hours a day. That section, divine madness to the extreme. Ratha-yātrā is actually public. Although, what He's experiencing internally is unknown to most. But, it's actually... I mean it's incredible that it's even public. This is not public. This is behind closed doors with these two personalities. So, Bhramara-gītā and the place is called Uddhava-kyari. And, there's a well there and Avadhūt Mahārāj and I went, stumbled upon the place. You know, and these old cowherd men, with like those handlebar mustache's, came out and said... They're very simple, they said, “There were many... we saw in our childhood many grand festivals here, and now... Like, you know, do something.”
So, that... that's his first place. That reveals something to you about Guru Mahārāj. That's his first choice where to spend his final days. Means cultivating that. Guru Mahāraj is qualified for nirjan-bhajan. But, he said, “It's not approved by Saraswatī Ṭhākur, so I took the middle path. I'll make a Maṭh and I won't aggressively canvass moneymen, etc... But, modestly I'll proceed.” That's the Chaitanya Saraswat Maṭh, a modest preaching effort. Not trying to compete with... you know... like, ISKCON. Nobody can compete with ISKCON. Just accept it.
You're beat, you're done. You cannot compete with them, ever. Don't even try. It's ridiculous to even think... Once Sandeep and I were going by Kṛṣṇa Balarām Mandir and he goes, “Like, there...” 'Cause, it... like, grows... someone... And, he pointed to something and I go... I saw this huge building, and I said, “Oh, is that the new temple?” “'Cause, it was like ten times bigger than the original temple. I said, “Is that the new temple?” He said, “No, that's the kitchen.” [laughing] I'm serious. [laughing] So, don't... It's not about that. We are lovers of ISKCON. But, like Kavirāj Goswāmī heard all these things from Raghunāth Dās and Svarūp Dāmodar – it came to him - some particular wealth.
We... Comparisons are odious, but we cannot deny our good fortune in coming in connection with the lotus feet of Śrīla Guru Mahārāj and this inconceivable treasure trove of Kṛṣṇa Consciousness, which should be shared with the prosperity. So, that's the first place he thought of. But... And, this will reveal how Guru Mahārāj, his internal process of moving, making selection, consideration, all these things. So, he thought... He didn't feel right about it. He said, “We're here, we've heard, Vṛndāvan is for the highest section of liberated souls.” So, taking himself as non-liberated —we don't see him that way— but he thinks of himself that way. He thought, it's inappropriate and wouldn't meet with the approval with of his Guru Mahārāj.
As, Kavirāj Goswāmī, as the concluding words of the Madhya-līlā, kṛṣṇa-līlā amṛta-sāra, tāra śata... (Cc: Madhya-līlā, 25.271). Gurudev loved this so much. Guru Mahārāj would say, “Govinda Mahārāj really loves this part.” [laughing] That's the kind of sweet relationship they have. Guru Mahārāj knows, like, “Oh, Govinda Mahārāj really likes the end of Madhya-līlā, it's like one of his favorites.”
kṛṣṇa-līlā amṛta-sāra, tāra śata śata dhāra,
daśa-dike vahe yāhā haite
se caitanya-līlā haya, sarovara akṣaya,
mano-haṁsa carāha’ tāhāte
(Śrī Chaitanya-charitāmṛta:Madhya-līlā, 25.271)
There you go. Saying, “Kṛṣṇa-līlā, what is it?” Amṛta-sār, it's not just amṛta. It's interesting. Sār means 'cream'. Amṛta means 'nectar.' So, what are they saying? It's nectar cream or the cream of... So, they're saying, “Of nectar...” It would like... If the cream rises to the top. So, of all... And, we're talking about Divine nectarean substances. Not just generic off-the-shelf nectar. Right. So, he saying... So, the cream rises, that's what kṛṣṇa-līlā is. It's like, the crème de la crème of nectarean substances. So, you think, “Well, what can top that?” Right, kṛṣṇa-līlā amṛta-sāra, tāra śata śata... (Cc: Madhya-līlā, 25.271). So, then... And, then one might take it again... You need an Ācārya to ex... Ācāryavān puruṣo veda.
Prabhupād said it a thousand times. One's who got an Ācārya knows what is what. That means 'sambandha-jñān.' Without which, you don't know what is what. You don't know jack. You can look that up later. Right. An Ācārya, and what acinoti śāstrārtam, they extract the inner meaning of the scripture. That's what they do. Not just, “They set an example for everyone else.” Right. So does the bha... new bhaṭṭā leader. He may not be the Ācārya, though. The Ācārya can extract the inner meaning of the scripture. Right. That, not everyone can do. So, we're told, kṛṣṇa-līlā amṛta-sāra. Then we say, “And what is chaitanya-līlā?” “Oh, it's also nectar Prabhu.” That's not what it's saying, “This is nectar, that's nectar.”
What it's saying is, as Guru Mahāraj said, “Kṛṣṇa-līlā is reserved for the highest section of liberated souls.” It's the crème de la crème of nectarean substance, but you'll never have access to it in a million lifetimes. Get real. It's not going to happen. “No, but I'm chanting good rounds. I got the good incense and the big tulsīs. And, really... and the good, the tilak that's got the perfume in it.” Right. It wasn't good enough. Like, tilak it has its own beautiful smell. But, some idiot has to put perfume in it. Why? It's an offense. Right. Kaivalya means 'don't mess with it.' That what it means. So, the crème de la crème of nectarean substances, you'll never... You know... And, you can say, “Well, wait, no...” You know... No, read the Bhagavad-gītā. Right.
manuṣyāṇāṁ sahasreṣu
kaścid yatati siddhaye
yatatām api siddhānāṁ
kaścin māṁ vetti tattvataḥ
(Ṣrīmad Bhagavad-gītā: 7.3)
Saying, out of many thousands of young men, one maybe interested. In like, generic spiritual stuff. And, this is the world we live in. Let's be real... That's the way it is. Thousands? How about millions. But it says, out of many sahas... you know... manuṣyāṇāṁ sahasreṣu, it says thousands. So, let just take it what it says. Hardly one you'll find who's interested. Then, it's saying, “And of those, it'll be more rare to find someone who's siddhā.” Like, achieve perfection. And, then what's the Bhāgavatam saying? The Bhāgavatam's saying, muktānām api siddhānāṁ, nārāyaṇa-parāyaṇaḥ (SB:−2), here, now they've ratcheted up. Of ten million siddhās, right, you may find one devotee of Nārāyan. Among ten million siddhās. Right.
As connotation increases, denotation decreases. And, when they said that, Guru Mahārāj said... Out of, you know, ten million muktās, you may find one who is a kṛṣṇa-bhakta. He said, “Even that is too many.” One is too many in Guru Mahārāj's book. Unlikely, too many. That's too much. [laughing] So, reserved for the highest section of liberated souls, it's not a game. Go there and play this game. You're in Vrṇdāvan and adopt all the, you know, the jargon, and the... It's... It's just bullshit, is all it is. That's the only word I can think of that apply describes it; what's going on there.
But, that's another subject. [laughing] And, not the good kind. When I say 'bullshit,' I don't mean like the good kind that you use, you know, like in a yajña or something. “Cause, that will be the good kind. You know. Like, when we were... the Deities were being installed in Saint Petersburg. And, Gurudev, he's so sweet and considerate actually. And, he said... 'cause, Śrīla Bhakti Prapanna Tīrtha Mahārāj, he's from a brāhmaṇ family. His name before he joined was Pārtha Sārathī Goswāmī. Right. That's his karmī name, [laughing] Pārtha Sārathī Goswāmī. Right.
So... and, then he became Prapanna Kṛṣṇa. And, then Gurudev gave Bhakti Prapanna Tīrtha. And, Tītrtha is the number one sannyās name. You give that name to the senior... you know, the sannyasī in the senior most position. Anyway, so, Gurudev's thinking, 'cause he's a brāhman boy by birth, you know... And, he thought, “Let him do the installation of the Deities. And, he said, “I'm thinking Kṛṣṇa please, this brāhman boy who's very sincere...” You know, like that. You know. How sincere? [laugh] You know... I'm like... Meet Tīrtha Mahārāj and see, like he's getting ready and he's got all the... you know. And, then he, like, opens his bag. He brought... 'cause, he didn't know what's available in Russia. Right.
So, he brought his own cow urine and cow dung, in like a ziplock bag. I can imagine the customs guys, you know. “What's in there?” “Cow dung and cow...” “OK buddy, you know, just move along here.” [laughing] And, they know he's telling the truth. So, not like that. Not the good kind. The kind that purifies everything. So anyway, out of, you know, muktānām api siddhānāṁ, nārāyaṇa-parāyaṇaḥ (SB:−2), koṭiṣv api mahā-mune (SB: Kotī, all these words mean, ten million, millions... So, Guru Mahārāj's saying, “It's reserved for the highest section of liberated souls. This is inappropriate.” Guru Mahārāj, Prabhupād Saraswatī Ṭhākur would not approve.
Oh, that verse in the Madhya-līlā, is saying, “But, what is chaitanya-līlā?” Just equal? No, that's not what it is. They're saying, “But, chaitanya-līlā is the magnanimous distribution of that unachievable, inaccessible substance to everyone, everywhere.” That's daśa-dike, means the ten directions: North, South, East, West, etc,.. Up, down. That's what you get in Mahāprabhu's pastimes. And Nityānanda Prabhu,
preme matta nityānanda kṛpā-avatāra
uttama, adhama, kichu nā kare vicāra
(Śrī Chaitanya-charitāmṛta: Ādi-līlā, 5.208)
Right, kichu kare nā vicāra. He's so drunk, intoxicated on kṛṣṇa-prem. Like he... He's like, staggering. You know what I'm saying? He doesn't see. It's not that he just accepts high and low, he doesn't see high or low. He just wants everyone to be intoxicated with kṛṣṇa-prem, it's so wonderful, so sweet—to experience what he's experiencing. And, he knows the path to that is the lotus feet of Mahāprabhu. Says a nitāiyera karuṇā habe, vraje rādhā-kṛṣṇa pābe (Manaḥ Śikṣa: 3). You don't get Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa without the mercy of Nityānanda Prabhu, heno nitāi bine bhāi, rādhā-kṛṣṇa pāite nāi (Manaḥ Śikṣa 1). You won't get. And, not just, you know, a tip of the hat to Nitāi, kind of thing.
But, you can say Gurudev, Guru Mahārāj—serious devotees of Nityānanda Prabhu, Śrīla Prabhupād also. Descended in a line that's very favored by Nityānanda Prabhu. So, chaitanya-līlā is the magnanimous distribution of kṛṣṇa-līlā. That inaccessible, unattain... unachievable Divine substance. Who will understand this? Sumedhasaḥ, those of refined theistic intellect. Same thing with Prabodhānanda,
yathā yathā gaura-padāravinde
vindeta bhaktiṁ kṛta-puṇya-rāśiḥ
tathā tathotsarpati hṛdy akasmāt
(Chaitanya-chandrāmṛta: 88)
Does Prabodhānanda know what he's talking about? Aṣṭa-sakhī Tungavidya. Does she know anything about kṛṣṇa-līlā? Anything about Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa, and mañjarīs, and this, that and you know... Does she know anything? Or just some fraudulent bābā in Vṛndāvan. Right. Some counterfeit, some... What did I say once about one guy? “Niggardly notions of Gnosticism.” [chuckles] Three n's, I mean in terms of euphemism. I mean euphonically. “Niggardly notions of Gnosticism.” Right. And, a bunch of neophyte... And, Guru Mahārāj said... what did he say?.. you know... “Swimming in the waters of the mud of misconception, thinking they're bathing in the Divine waters of Rādhā-kuṇḍa.”
It's not a game, child's play. What is inaccessible to Nārada and Uddhava, you've got, because you've been chanting good rounds. You're ready for it, you've been, you know, mumbling some semblance of Kṛṣ... probably, you know... and, aparādhic, at best we say... you know... I mean it's nām-aparādhic semblance of kṛṣṇa-nām for five, ten, fifteen, twenty years. And, you're ready for that. Really! Self-condemned, self-deceived, Right. Nārada and Uddhava aspire for it, but you've got it. Or so-and-so Mahārāj, or Bābā, he's giving you entrance. You fools. That's insanity. Right.
Three verses Gurudev should be put on the wall on our Govardhan Maṭh. One was, you know, vedeṣu durlabham adurlabham ātma-bhaktau (Bs: 5.33.3), from Brahma-saṁhitā. The verse, end of the Upadeśāmṛta. About the preṣṭhair apy [Note: yat preṣṭhair apy alam asulabhaṁ kiṁ punar bhakti-bhājāṁ (Up: 11.3)]. And, one other, maybe āsām aho caraṇa-reṇu-juṣām ahaṁ syāṁ (SB: There's so many. He said, “Guru Mahārāj tossed these like a boy who had like, cintā... marbles cintāmaṇi gems. And, like tossed a few of them to them, for their necessity.” Oh, Brahma-saṁhitā, kṣiti-virala-cārāḥ katipaye (Bs: 5.56.8). The end of that saying. It's very rarely achieved, that's the conclusion of Brahma-saṁhitā. Upadeśāmṛta, these waters not attainable by Uddhava and Nārada.
And, even parama-preṣṭha-sakhīs rarely get this opportunity. But, you have it and your mañjarī-bhāv. That's why I called it, I said, “Are you sure it's not mañjarī-Bob?” You know a guy named Manjari Bob. Just check for sure. [laughing] You know. It's just... it's so silly. I mean, if it wasn't just so silly, I mean sad and pathetic; it would just be silly. But, to take these Divine things and reduce them to something so low and disgusting, is not silly. It's suicidal. Right. To moc... It's to mock the genuine devotees.
The real devotees who are prepared to sacrifice themselves for life, yad-vāñchayā śrīr lalanācarat tapo (SB: Lakṣmī-devī did mass austerities in the Tapovan for lifetimes— plural, and could not get entrance into the rāsa-līlā. And, what did Svrūp Dāmador say, in ans... in response to Śrīvās Ṭhākur at the Herā-pañcamī? “She didn't possess the adhikār. So, we're saying, “Lakṣmī-devī doesn't have the adhikār to enter there, but you do.” Really! Self-deceivers. What does it say? Guru Mahārāj would say, “Then, let them dance with their foolish tendency.” He said, “There are those who are above correction and below correction.” Just let it go.
Bhaktivinod Ṭhākur says, “Actually...” You say, “Why is there that?” He said, “To keep the line pure, actually.” They're, in a sense, they're being quarantined by following some fraud. Some bogus, counterfeit representation of a genuine devotee, whom Gurudev said, “Will not be a Vaiṣṇava in a thousand lifetimes.” Right. Who, he said, “He's an infectious disease.” Because, it's one thing to distribute sahajiyāism. Usually, in the old ISKCON days, they knew they were leaving the line of Saraswat... Prabhupād Saraswatī Ṭhākur and going. But, when someone started presenting it like, Gauḍīya Maṭh approved. Like, peeled the label off and put this new label on: Gauḍīya Maṭh approved. It's even more heinous and criminal, right, and punishable.
So, what... And, what did Gurudev... and all this misconception about milane and viraha... so, what did Gurudev say finally... and offending Śṛīla Guru Mahārāj. He said,.. “You can say so many things but, to offend someone who, to who is so dear to Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī.” He said, “The inhabitants of hell will be fearful to look upon his face. And, they will have to create a new hell to accommodate him.” So, it's not child's play or just silly things. It has consequences. “The inhabitants of hell will be fearful to look upon his face. And, they will have to create a new hell to accommodate him.”
So, that's not sumedhasaḥ. Right. Refine theistic intel... And, you see the de-empha... And, what made me go off in this little 'tangential rave,' the de-emphasizes of Mahāprabhu. That gives it away every time. Just a per... tip-of-the-hat to Nityānanda and Mahāprabhu, and then, you know, Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa. Please. So, to try... Aṣṭa-sakhī Tungavidya saying, “No, at the lotus feet of Mahāprahbu, that, and gaura-līlā is the entrance to kṛṣṇa-līlā.” Right. Navadwip is the entrance to Vṛndāvan.
As, Guru Mahārāj said, “Every atom of Navadwip is capable of giving Vṛndāvan in full.” The plane, but... So, he said and another time, it's like, “Welcome...” No, it said like, yeah, “Welcome, no admission.” You're being welcomed to the plane of no admission. That's gaura-līlā. Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa as Gaur-Gadādhar, this their ācārya-līlā. The nām-saṅkīrtan of Mahāprabhu is the rāsa-līlā in distribution mode. And, what does Prabodhānanda say, “So at the lotus feet of Mahā...
yathā yathā gaura-padāravinde
vindeta bhaktiṁ kṛta-puṇya-rāśiḥ
tathā tathotsarpati hṛdy akasmāt
(Chaitanya-chandrāmṛta: 88)
And, what will be the outcome of dedicating everything, all you energy to the lotus feet of Gaurāṇga-Mahāprabhu? The rādhā-rasa-sudhā-nidhi will begin to flow in your heart. Rādhā-dāsyam, you spring out of the soil of Vṛndāvan. Right. So, Mahāprabhu, He tells Nityānanda Prabhu, when He's getting ready to go behind closed doors with Svarūp Dāmodar and Rāmānanda and plunge the depths of rādhā-bhāv, repeatedly relishing the Bhramara-gītā. That, go to Bengal, you know... yāre dekha, tāre kaha ‘kṛṣṇa’-upadeśa (Cc: Madhya-līlā, 7.128.1), and preach about Kṛṣṇa. So, what does to Nityānanda do... Nityānanda do, bhaja gaurāṅga, kaha gaurāṅga laha... You know. Worship Gaurāṅga, talk about Gaurāṅga, take the name of Gaurāṅga and you'll get everything. He knows. Of course, he knows. You think Nityānanda doesn't know what you know? That's what he says.
Why... Why is he saying, “Worship Gaurāṅga.” Doesn't he know about Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa? Doesn't he know? Narottam says, nitāiyera karuṇā habe, vraje... (Manaḥ Śikṣa: 3). You don't... Without the mercy of Nityānanda, you won't get any Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa, other than some wallpaper, doing 'air bhajan' with the good incense and the big tulsīs. Right. Got the good ones. You know, from the guy down by the kuṇḍ. I mean, it's so ridiculous when a Americans, like own something. Your guaranteed it will just turn into crap and some kind of meaningless jargon. Right, for the cool people. It's like, 'totally rasik, man.'
I mean, it's just like... it's so, as I said, “If it wasn't pathetic, it would just be silly.” That, “I was thinking that wasn't so rasik, but the other thing was like, totally...” “Oh yeah, that was like, totally rasik.” Oh my God! Fools! A fool's paradise led by someone who's distributing 'Niggardly notions of Gnosticism.' And, that's being kind. [laughing] You know. So, anyway... What was I saying before that?
Devotee: Three places.
Goswāmī Maharaj: Oh, the three places. Yes. So, then Guru Mahārāj... so he decided, like Prabodhānanda says, like Nityānanda says, like Narottam says, like everyone who is actually 'in the line' says, “That you have to have a strong base as a foundation of the lotus feet, the mercy of Nityānanda Prabhu.” Kavirāj Goswāmī, Raghunāth Dās Goswāmī, it's not peripheral, it's foundational. That's my point. I told Gurudev once, I said, “For those who can't underst... who're ontologically challenged...” I pointed out, “Anyone who uses the, these two 'manjari-bhāv,' you know they're bogus.” [pssst] They're bogus. It comes from some 'Rādhā-kuṇḍ-bhāv' in the 1950's. So, anybody who's infected with this disease, uses that expression, 'manjari-bhāv.' Even, those who don't know they were infected. But, that's how you know.
But, Gurudev took it a step further. Right. I said... So, I'm trying to tell him, “If you hear this, just run for your spiritual life.” And, he said, “Mahārāj...” Like, what to speak of that, he said, “Rādhe.” [laughing] The 'Rādhe' people'. Anyone who casually says the name of Rādhārāṇī, Rādhe... [pssst, wind sound] Right. What Dās Goswāmī was crawling on his hands and knees in rādhā-kuṇḍ, with tears streaming down his eyes. You're mocking that? Using Her name to indicate anything, because you're one of the cool people. You know the cool hand shake, you know. Right. You got śālagrāms, yeah.
It's just... it's the same stuff we saw before. It has all the... it's just a... a cult that's not cool. But, anyway... Why did I say that? Because, Saraswatī Ṭhākur said, “A hundred gallons of blood there is, to show what it's not.” And, they go, “Why did he do that?” You know, kabhu nā, bole nā. An actual Rūpānūga Vaiṣṇnav Guru will not give rāsa-śikṣā to someone who doesn't have the adhikār to receive it. Full stop. That's what he says in the Prākṛta Rasa Śata Dūṣiṇī. “No, but he's...” No.
A genuine Guru; rāsik-vaiṣṇav, in the line of Rūpa Goswāmī, will not give rāsa-śikṣā to someone who does not have the adhikār to receive it. So, if someone's doing that, it means they're bogus—to us an old ISKCON word. Right. They're bogus, it's a fraud. “They were a fraud when they were conceived in the womb of their mother.” I like that one. That's what a Gauḍīya Maṭh man said, when he was asking about one particular person, in a law... in a... on the stand in a courtroom. They go, “And, what do you say about so-and-so?” He goes, “He was a fraud when he was conceived in the womb of his mother.” [laughing] That's a good one. That's how bogus he is. He was never good and went bad. “He was a fraud when he was conceived in the womb of his mother.”
So, Śrīla Guru Mahārāj is real —right— humble, modest, he said... Then he thought... You see there's a thread. 'Cause, it's like Bhramara-gītā; Uddhava Kyari, Vṛndāvan. So, then what he... He's making his way toward... So, he goes, “Puri.” Gambhīr, Mahāprabhu, as we're told. What he doing the last twelve years? So, now it's gaura-līlā, but the same thing. But, not Vṛndāvan, so... I mean, it's interesting. Because it's the same thing, but being put in a different location. And, by that, I don't mean the GPS of Jagannāth Purī. But, the ontological GPS of Jagannāth Purī.
But, I never heard him tell me, in detail, why that got cancelled. But, he got the inspiration for Navadwip. He said, “It's been told, Navadwip is for the non-liberated. The will get everything there.” So, then you think, “Well, load up the truck and move to Navadwip.” But, that's not what he did. And, this reveals more about Guru Mahārāj's slow, methodical, modest, natural approach. So, what is he thinking, “Well, Nityānanda Prabhu is the dham-īśvara of Navadwip.” The Governor, the visa granting officer.
Well, Nityānanda appeared in Ekacakrā, Bircandrapur. That's his place, nitāi-bāṛi, the house of Nitāi is there. So, Guru Mahārāj takes the train to Ekacakrā; Bircandrapur. And he said... So, he arrives at the train, you know, he has all of his... You can't say earthly possessions, 'cause Guru Mahāhāj, they're all, like Divine. [laughing] You know. You know, beyond a lokīk. [chuckles] So... But, what he does from the train station, he put all those things... But, you know, his books, different things, right, on a bullock cart. And, he walks next to the bullock cart. Means a cart drawn by a bull. And, he walks from the train station to Nitāi-bāṛi.
And, when he arrives there, he does saṣṭāṅga-daṇḍavats to the Deity of Nitāi; Nityānanda. And, Gurudev had that... a picture of that Deity in his room —he's like this, [showing position] in the offering mudrayā— on his veranda, in his final days. And, he told me once, as he was looking at it; he would look every day. And, he said, “Mahārāj...” He said, “You'll will not find a more beautiful Nityānanda than this.” And, I looked. And, maybe he perceived some level of skepticism on my part. And, he said, “No! I'm telling you. You will not find a more beautiful Nityānanda than this.” Then, I realized this Deity's very special. Just like at Mahāprabhu-bāṛi, Viṣṇu Priya-bāṛi in Navadwip, this Nitāi-bāṛi Deity is very special.
So, Guru Mahārāj saṣṭāṅga-daṇḍavats before the Deity of Nityānanda. And, he said here, “You are the dham-īśvar of Navadwip, you are patita-pāvan, you give shelter to the most fallen. Please give me shelter at your holy lotus feet and allow me to a small place in Navadwip.” And, then the inspiration comes to him, “But, you do not give shelter to patita.” And, what is meant by that, is that although, many were approaching for initiation, he was declining. Śrīla Prabhupā's sister, Pisima; Bhavatarini, Guru Mahāraj sent her to Goswāmī Mahārāj. Others as well.
Why, Goswāmī Mahārāj? Because, Goswāmī Mahārāj was a ṛtvik of Saraswatī Ṭhākur in his lifetime. So, Guru Mahārāj thought that's safe. He was approved by Saraswatī Ṭhākur, so you go to him. He's deferring. And, that inspiration comes to him, “But, you do not give shelter to patita.” And, then some... This is how Guru Mahārāj's internal thought processes, what he thought. He's reading Jīva Goswāmī, and there he says that, “If you possess, you're very wealthy.” And, some people nearby, they're like, poor and starving. And, if you don't give some of your wealth to them, you're culpable. That's... It's unacceptable. You have to... That's why we see wealthy people, they give in charity, etc... So, it's just saying, that's just unforgivable. Right.
You give a little something. Take care of them. That. Then, another thing was, that some Purāṇic legend that... There was this brāhmaṇ who was a great paṇḍit. Like, you know, sarva-jña, knew everything. But, he didn't distribute any of his knowledge. He was just happy knowing it himself, and that was it. He didn't distribute to anyone. So, it said that in his next life, he took birth as a mango tree, and produced these beautiful ripe, juicy mangos. But, not even a bird would land on the tree and take one. And, they would just drop and rot on the ground. Understand.
These things came to him. Who said, “I tried to extract the maximum from my Guru Mahārāj and I did.” Right. “But, my tendency for distribution was not so great.” I use to think, something like, “You've given so much to us, like... I don't understand this thing about 'your tendency for distribution is not so great,'” But, the we understood Śrīla Govinda Mahārāj, he would get Guru Mahārāj to come out. He knew how to sweetly get, put Guru Mahārāj in a mood where he'd be willing to talk to us. He's always go, “Mahārāj, they've come from so far, just five minutes.” And, then Guru Mahārāj finally, like, “Alright, five minutes.” And, then it would be 90 minutes. He just needed to get him going. But, Gurudev knew how to do that.
That's why those who... It's not possible to think, you know, you like Śrīla Śrīdhar Mahārāj, appreciate him, but not Govinda Mahārāj. That's like the old, you know, ardha-kukkuṭī-nyāya, I like Mahāprabhu but not Nityānanda. Kavirāj Goswāmī cancelled that when he chastised Guṇārṇava Miśra, saying, “You can't say you like Mahāprabhu and not Nityānanda.” Same thing for Śrīla Guru Mahārāj and Śrīla Govinda Mahārāj. If you understand Guru Mahārāj, you may have some appreciation superficially for his philosophy. But, if you want to understand his heart, you have to have some appreciation for Śrīla Govinda Mahārāj. And, understand that you wouldn't have all this wealth from Śrīla Guru Mahārāj, if Śrīla Govinda Mahārāj didn't arrange it all behind the scenes, like yoga-māyā.
So... So, then Guru Mahārāj thinks, then he's saying, “OK. Now start initiating, you know, do something in Navadwip.” And, again, “No.” Guru Mahārāj thinking like, “Navadwip, big place, many famous...” But, they go, “Yeah, go build something big in the, you know, like near the Neem... Neem tree.” Right. “That will be good for business. So many pilgrims on the road.” And, what does Guru Mahārāj think? The remote part of Navadwip, the aparādha-bhañjana-pat, where we're told “Where all the offenders were forgiven their offenses. When Mahāprabhu came back, those who had offended Him and driven Him out of Navadwip, when He came back there, He forgave everyone's offenses.
So, Guru Mahārāj is thinking like that, “Where the aparādhīs are forgiven their offenses. That place I'll establish a Maṭh.” And, when some news would go back and forth, through any particular period. And, once they were saying that some people were spinning the situation as, “Not to worry.” The only people from ISKCON who were taking shelter of Śrīla Śrīdhar Mahārāj are aparādhīs. So, it's kind of like... like I said before, quarantine a service like Bhaktvinod saying, “All the aparādhīs are going there, so we're good.” You know. So, that was told to Śrīla Guru Mahārāj. And, as usual, he just smiled, he said, “Yeah, yes! You can tell them all the aparādhīs, they're taking shelter here and the aparādha-bhañjana-pat. And, soon all their offenses will be forgiven and Mahāprabhu will give them everything.” [laughing] That was his response to that.
And... But, all by the grace of Nitāi, heno nitāi bine bhāi... (Manaḥ Śikṣa 1), nitāiyera karuṇā habe... (Manaḥ Śikṣa 3). Without the grace, the mercy of Nityānanda Prabhu nothing is possible. And, with his grace, all things are possible. Even, impossible things become possible. So, when Śrīla Gurudev said, “Everyone knows Guru Mahārāj is Rūpa Goswāmī's man. Why is he always saying, “Dayal Nitāi, dayal Nitāi, dayal Nitāi”? Guru Mahārāj himself explained. He said, “Because, when you're talking about Kṛṣṇa Consciousness, inevitably some high things will be discussed. There's nothing higher than it.” So, if you're actually following the thread, you're going to end up in a high place, sooner or later. Better later then sooner. Right. Modest, natural growth.
And, he said, “But, sometimes what comes out, it's very high.” It may be beyond, really, our 'pay grade'—adhikār. He said, “So, something high came out. Maybe I'm... I didn't represent that properly—bhakti aparādh.” He said, So... And, from Guru Maharaj, you know, high things are going to come out. He'd rather distribute high things to a small group, than something generic to a larger audience. That's the way he is. We have both; both things are good. So, anyway he saying, “So, maybe I committed some offense in my representation or exceeded my capacity. So, I chant the name of Nityānanda to re-situate myself.”
So, he'd always sit there, you know, “Dayal Nitāi, dayal Nitāi, nitāi-gaur-gadādhar-advaita-śrīvās.” Like that so many times. And, nitāi-gaur-haribol, gaur-haribol, nitāi, nitāi, nitāi. So, it... beautiful to hear Nitāi from his lotus mouth. Gurudev, Guru Mahārāj, Prabhupād, all lovers of Nityānanda Prabhu in a genuine way. Not perfunctory, but substantially. To have a strong foundation in Kṛṣṇa Consciousness, upon which the super structure of Kṛṣṇa conception can rest upon. We need the grace, the mercy of Nityānanda Prabhu. Hare Kṛṣṇa.