All right.
I'll trying put use the Chinese another for... Everyone knows. If we don't... We don't know much about China, but everyone knows one thing, everyone knows this yin and young and of course Chinese food. But yin and young... The masculine principal and feminine principal, this symbol is so powerful potent and profound, because it's based in reality, negative, positive.
We're so blessed, that by our Guru Vargas mercy. They've help us to understand something about the profundity of this divine combination. So, it is tearing Guru Maharaj quotes the famous Bhagavad shloka
acaryam mam vijaniyan
navamanyeta karhicit
it's a generally take Krishna saying, you know: "see the Guru with my very self." But Guru Maharaja is something very interesting hear the word: "mum... acharyam mum", his seen that mum actually is it means my potency, see the Acharya as my potency. What is he means here? He says the potency, this is how I distribute myself.
acaryam mam vijaniyan
navamanyeta karhicit
it's a generally take Krishna saying, you know: "see the Guru with my very self." But Guru Maharaja is something very interesting hear the word: "mum... acharyam mum", his seen that mum actually is it means my potency, see the Acharya as my potency. What is he means here? He says the potency, this is how I distribute myself.
Krishna's also a distributer, he wants to distribute Krishna consciousness. Guru Maharaj wrote very beautifully in the beginning of Prapana jivanamritam
Guru rupa harim goram
Radha ruchy ruchavritam
In one line, very beautifully describe. And it almost this listen word, the Guru rupa of Hary, the Guru form of God, the Guru rupa of Hary is Gauranga.
So if Guru Maharaj said: "acharyam mum", means my potency, then when he take's Guru form.
Radha ruchy ruchavritam
He'll be enveloped, by the heart and "halo"- as Guru Maharaj like to say.
Of the one who loves him the most, that's what he's saying.
Radha ruchy ...
The kind of a taste, what she appreciates about Krishna.
We know, like we meet ourfriends, and want to say... What did you say to them? how appreciate Krishna consciousness?
Guru rupa harim goram
Radha ruchy ruchavritam
In one line, very beautifully describe. And it almost this listen word, the Guru rupa of Hary, the Guru form of God, the Guru rupa of Hary is Gauranga.
So if Guru Maharaj said: "acharyam mum", means my potency, then when he take's Guru form.
Radha ruchy ruchavritam
He'll be enveloped, by the heart and "halo"- as Guru Maharaj like to say.
Of the one who loves him the most, that's what he's saying.
Radha ruchy ...
The kind of a taste, what she appreciates about Krishna.
We know, like we meet ourfriends, and want to say... What did you say to them? how appreciate Krishna consciousness?
Sometimes Avadhut Maharaj and I have this discussion. And we say. Well, atma gyan, the talk about the soul, that's kind of the beginning level, and that's true there is a systematic way to present a generic spiritual knowledge.
But another route is the...
Radha ruchy ruchavritam
Means under the influence, of what you liked, what you like about it, tell that, share that with someone and that's simple thing.
Radha ruchy ruchavritam
Means under the influence, of what you liked, what you like about it, tell that, share that with someone and that's simple thing.
When I asked the girl and... Numbers, tank number three in Calcutta at the Math there, low girl, with Bengali girl would come to our blog TV show and I said to her, once because she's come her mother would bring her, you know, allow her and then take her home then. So "what do you like about Krishna consciousness?" And she said: "everything!!!" [laught]What a beautiful answer, because that someone would think of one particular thing you like or maybe... she said... She couldn't think of one thing... She said: "everything!!! I like аll of it". Beginning, middle and end and it's very deep philosophically, there are very deep spiritual books, the most ancient religious book known demand the Rigveda it's there, it's in the Puranas, Upanishads the Bhagavad Gita and so many places, but really sometimes Gurudev with say very simply: "heart-to-heart", that's what it is, from one heart to another. You mean the whole spiritual project can be summed up in one phrase: "heart-to-heart"? Yes.
Tene Brahma hrida ya
muhyanti yat surayah
The Bhagovatam says that also in the very first shloka
Tene Brahma hrida
It was revealed into the heart of Brahma, not in to the consciousness, his mental system, his intellectual ability, the guy was a genius so, he was selected. No, if it went to the heart, that means it came from the heart.
Right, what is life about is a heart-to-heart transaction from mother the child, friend to friend, lover to lover etc. It's all about heart, when we look at the little dog Milo, right, but you know, he's heartless at times, but what, everyone’s giving him so much affection and his basking in that affection, but if you don't give it to him and he'll be upset, because he's also a conscious being.
sat chit Ananda
To exist is not all enough and then there's a popular song in the sixties, who called Alfie
There is, and there is a famous movie with that, but there was one line in the song, where the singer says: "without true love we just exist". That's sat to just exist, like a heartless stone or some inanimate object and you say: "no, cogito ergo sum.We more than that, we're aware of our existence.” When you become aware of your existence, you become aware of pain also. One scholar and by inference the absence of joy, is what I mean to say, one same as literary scholar in the West, he is quoting Shakespeare, this that person the other, but he makes an interesting observation. Is that what we learned from them, that memory is the authentic source of pain. The say again, memory, what it? It is the authentic source of pain.
Tene Brahma hrida ya
muhyanti yat surayah
The Bhagovatam says that also in the very first shloka
Tene Brahma hrida
It was revealed into the heart of Brahma, not in to the consciousness, his mental system, his intellectual ability, the guy was a genius so, he was selected. No, if it went to the heart, that means it came from the heart.
Right, what is life about is a heart-to-heart transaction from mother the child, friend to friend, lover to lover etc. It's all about heart, when we look at the little dog Milo, right, but you know, he's heartless at times, but what, everyone’s giving him so much affection and his basking in that affection, but if you don't give it to him and he'll be upset, because he's also a conscious being.
sat chit Ananda
To exist is not all enough and then there's a popular song in the sixties, who called Alfie
There is, and there is a famous movie with that, but there was one line in the song, where the singer says: "without true love we just exist". That's sat to just exist, like a heartless stone or some inanimate object and you say: "no, cogito ergo sum.We more than that, we're aware of our existence.” When you become aware of your existence, you become aware of pain also. One scholar and by inference the absence of joy, is what I mean to say, one same as literary scholar in the West, he is quoting Shakespeare, this that person the other, but he makes an interesting observation. Is that what we learned from them, that memory is the authentic source of pain. The say again, memory, what it? It is the authentic source of pain.
Like, if we did something pleasurable, we can remember that, but it won't make you happy, actually, you want it, if it was food or some other thing, you won't get the same joy. That just by recalling again, remember that time, we had that...
You won't get the same relish; it won't come to you. What is the word in the entomological basis Deanna Shraya was known, nostalgia, right, it means pain, the suffering of pain, of remembrance of your home, your lost home?Kind of.
I would say: "back to home, back to Godhead". So, but on this point about memory, being the authentic source of suffering.
Interestingly, but if you remember something very painful, that happen to you, especially, emotionally painful, it can be more painful than it was at that time. You can experience greater pain, greater heartdiac, then you actually did when it happened. The joy you cannot, you won't come close to that,but the pain can actually be magnified. We say, well [gee], that’s thank you, thank you very much for revealing, what we have to look forward to as more misery in our lives.
That we, we have a greater of capacity to experience suffering. Well, but may be just maybe there's somehope there, if we invert us. So we're told again in the Bhagovatam
by on the tiyad venebeshito shyad
be parayo smriti
What is the cause, of all of our fear, our anxiety, our suffering?
be parayo smriti
by on the tiyad venebeshito shyad
be parayo smriti
What is the cause, of all of our fear, our anxiety, our suffering?
be parayo smriti
Forgetfulness of our relationship with Krishna, forgetfulness of our relationship with the one who... Every blade of grass, moved according to their will. Forgetfulness of the person, who's friendly hand is behind in the background of every carmic circumstancein every moment of our lives.
So what's the cure?
shrotavyah kirtitavyash ca
smartavyash cecchatabhayam
shrotavyah kirtitavyash ca
smartavyash cecchatabhayam
Again that word Abhay
You'll become fearless if you can: talk about Krishna, hear about Krishna, remember Krishna.
But as we begin by the grace of our Guru varga, in our heart to awaken some remembrance of Krishna. That initially produces some joy, some relief.
You'll become fearless if you can: talk about Krishna, hear about Krishna, remember Krishna.
But as we begin by the grace of our Guru varga, in our heart to awaken some remembrance of Krishna. That initially produces some joy, some relief.
But in time if a devotee makes progress, it produces some lamentation, which is why, the spiritual experts have told us, we can mine real wealth to the culture ofseparation. When one starts to feel disturbed internally in the absence of Krishna. Starts to feel the pain of that separation, that pain will take the heart to a deeper region.
What is the... The whole of the pastimes of Mahaprabhu internally, we told externally, what is it?
Bahiranga sange kore
With the devotees the engage aNAMA SANKIRTANA.
It's seem to be a very joyous occasion.
Bahiranga sange kore
With the devotees the engage aNAMA SANKIRTANA.
It's seem to be a very joyous occasion.
They're singing, dancing, playing the mridanga, the caratales, going in procession, distributing Krishna Nam to others, increasing the ecstatic joy
It's the ultimate gift, the abode of all nectarine substances and it's a wonderful thing, it's the "Uga Dharma".
vande jagat-priyakaro
yuga-dharma palau
Gora Nitay, that beautiful line from Bhaktivinod
‘dayāl Nitāi Chaitanya’ bo’lenāchre āmārman
‘make Goura Nitay dance in my mind, in my heart.
vande jagat-priyakaro
yuga-dharma palau
Gora Nitay, that beautiful line from Bhaktivinod
‘dayāl Nitāi Chaitanya’ bo’lenāchre āmārman
‘make Goura Nitay dance in my mind, in my heart.
untaranga sange cory rasasvadana
We told, with his internal group, he is relishing something internally "rasasvadanа". Нe is tasting this extraordinary, inconceivably nectarine substance. Аnd what is the focal point of his pastimes primarily? Is where separation has rich, that than us. And those are two places the Radha Jatra... Which is, as we're told in beginning, taking Krishna, Jagannath, Dvaraka Krishna back to Brindavan.
untaranga sange cory rasasvadana
We told, with his internal group, he is relishing something internally "rasasvadanа". Нe is tasting this extraordinary, inconceivably nectarine substance. Аnd what is the focal point of his pastimes primarily? Is where separation has rich, that than us. And those are two places the Radha Jatra... Which is, as we're told in beginning, taking Krishna, Jagannath, Dvaraka Krishna back to Brindavan.
Right, and the Udava Gita, where Udava been sent to deliver a message to Radharani and Braja gopis, who're feeling intense separation from Krishna. These two areas, what is it? Something like 16, 18 years Mahaprabhu is celebrating the Radha Jatra. But publicly, you can be seen in this group although expressing internal things last 12 years of his life. The deeper culture of the Udhava darshan of the Bramara Gita.
sacrud-adana-vidhuta-dandva-dharma vinashtah
Radharani says: "if you hear a drop of this nectarine talk about Krishna, it enters your system through the hearingand touches your heart, you're finished".
sacrud-adana-vidhuta-dandva-dharma vinashtah
Radharani says: "if you hear a drop of this nectarine talk about Krishna, it enters your system through the hearingand touches your heart, you're finished".
But what you mean to say? I mean she's speaking an inverted way. Your, your connection with this world is finished.
In the Gita
Anityam asukham lokam
This temporary miserable world. Your long-term connection with it is finished. Just by coming in connection with a drop of this divine substance.
In the Gita
Anityam asukham lokam
This temporary miserable world. Your long-term connection with it is finished. Just by coming in connection with a drop of this divine substance.
So, our Guru Varga are knowing this, as Guru Maharaj says
Sthane sthitah sruti-gatah tanu-van-manobhir
jnane prayasam udapasya namante eva
Stop trying to google divinity to measure him with, you know, technology detected, a little technology or your own technology, your intellectual and mental system, right.
Sthane sthitah sruti-gatah tanu-van-manobhir
Hear about him from his devotees. They told the sat and chit, you conscious of your existence. But once you become conscious. I said that painful awareness is the absence of joy, the absence of ecstasy, the absence ofanandam and so that sends, sends us in search for that divine substance.
Sthane sthitah sruti-gatah tanu-van-manobhir
jnane prayasam udapasya namante eva
Stop trying to google divinity to measure him with, you know, technology detected, a little technology or your own technology, your intellectual and mental system, right.
Sthane sthitah sruti-gatah tanu-van-manobhir
Hear about him from his devotees. They told the sat and chit, you conscious of your existence. But once you become conscious. I said that painful awareness is the absence of joy, the absence of ecstasy, the absence ofanandam and so that sends, sends us in search for that divine substance.
The first book we made for the Guru Maharaj was called "Search for Sri Krishna - reality the beautiful".
Beginning, what you say? You know,
Brahma Jigyasa
spiritual inquiry
atatto brahma Jigyasa
It's vedanta. Guru Maharaj says: "that is the dry thing".
Krshna anu sandan
Rasa Jigyasa
Now is the time to inquire about ecstasy, happiness, joy.
Interestingly, we printed two chapters first, just a little test to show Guru Maharaj and Gurudev. And, and you know, it was very successful,right. So, we go back to
the printer MahaYogi and actually knows it is Brahma, it was Brahma... And no that's when we pick it up. Right, we go back to reprint like: "We'd like to reprint with you guys again you did such a nice job". And they say: "We can't do that”. And: "no, you did a first-class job the printing was good, the cover was... You know, everything..." But: "we can't, my wife and I decided, we can't do it". I go: "why?" He said: "we read it". They were Christians "we read it, it's like, it's too powerful, we can't we ... I'm sorry ser..." [laugh] They wouldn't take our money and do the... I said: "I think it was a success".
Brahma Jigyasa
spiritual inquiry
atatto brahma Jigyasa
It's vedanta. Guru Maharaj says: "that is the dry thing".
Krshna anu sandan
Rasa Jigyasa
Now is the time to inquire about ecstasy, happiness, joy.
Interestingly, we printed two chapters first, just a little test to show Guru Maharaj and Gurudev. And, and you know, it was very successful,right. So, we go back to
the printer MahaYogi and actually knows it is Brahma, it was Brahma... And no that's when we pick it up. Right, we go back to reprint like: "We'd like to reprint with you guys again you did such a nice job". And they say: "We can't do that”. And: "no, you did a first-class job the printing was good, the cover was... You know, everything..." But: "we can't, my wife and I decided, we can't do it". I go: "why?" He said: "we read it". They were Christians "we read it, it's like, it's too powerful, we can't we ... I'm sorry ser..." [laugh] They wouldn't take our money and do the... I said: "I think it was a success".
AvadhutMaharaj: Wework.We work with you. We work with everybody else.
Gosvamy Maharaj: I said: "Can you write that down, so I can put on the back of the book".
Gosvamy Maharaj: I said: "Can you write that down, so I can put on the back of the book".
So, anyway, that point the Guru Maharaj is making is either directly or indirectly, either it's yin and young or Radha and Krishna, were all indirectly or directlysearching for Sri Krishna reality the beautiful. He is that substance; He is that fulfills the prospect of having consciousness. What is consciousness enable you to do? Feel. Right, what is anesthesia do?Makes you unfilled, if you have to go for an operation, right. They need to anesthetize you. Why? That means that what it, what is actually doing is removing consciousness from that part of your body, that's why you need an anesthesiologist standing nearby. It's one of the most critical of doctors in any operate the anesthesiologist. He's going to bring you that close to death, which is like the loss of consciousness, the permanent loss of consciousness or the apparent permanent loss of consciousness. So brings you that close. Why? The less conscious you are the less you're able to feel, the less feelings you have.
So Krishna consciousness then and its most expanded optimal, optimized, maximum must be capable of expressing the deepest feelings. Like, women are often parodied, we're like about being, like, they have too many feelings or you know being emotional or all of these things and I don't want to get into holding about that.
But actually, our goal is feeling and emotion, but spiritual feeling spiritual emotion. Right, that's what we're hankering for. The mistake with made is thinking that will satisfy this irreversibleirrevocable aspect of ourselves by acquiring controlling and consuming things that are lower than us, that are lower than consciousness, like sat. They, they exist but there's no nothing really there, right on a conscious level. So, sat, chit, anandam whereas Guru Maharaj like the phrase in another way: satjam, shivam, sundaram. We take that is the absolute truth is the hole in mean the satjam there's the truth. Higher than that shivam auspiciousness, but higher than that is sundaram. Which represents we're back to beauty, anandam, charm this is how Guru Maharaj to conclude, this is how he came to his "mercy over justice" aphorism. That he said he thought truth should be spoken under all circumstances and truth trumps everything, but then he heard that Vedic saying, you know: "Speak the truth it's pleasing, never speak an unpleasing truth" etc. And you thought it says: "Don't speak an unpleasant truth" this he had to wrestle with internally for a while until he realized: "Oh, yes, mercy is above justice".
Sometimes we will suppress what is apparently true from a justice position to invoke the mercy principle. So, you made that adjustment.
Anyway, so, Guru Maharaj identified so many of these things, as the wealth of Bhaktivinod Thakur gave to this world to somehow bring us in connection with this divine way of seeing things, known as Krishna consciousness, right. We are, when we say heart-to-heart, we dependent upon the heart. Guru Maharaj said everything we have comes from the affectionate heart of Bhaktivinod Thakur, that’swhat’s descended into this plane, that... If there's any substance to substantially in the Krishna consciousness movement, it can always betraced the Bhaktivinod Thakur.
That means our Guru Varga theSarasvati Thakur, Gaura Kishor das Babaji. How does it go into song?
Pranamami sada Prabhupada-padam
He says Paramadrita, the most worshipable Bhaktivinod Thakur. Everything we have the entire wealth of the Krishna consciousness movement has descended thru his agency and just one other thing because today is also the disappearance of Haridas Thakur. Guru Maharaj saidonce and kind of a lightweight but he said, because Brahma it's a saying, because Brahma in the Brahma vimohan leela stoles Krishna's cows and that's kind of like a mlechha kind of thing to do you know.It like in America and the Wild West, what was very punishable with stealing horses and cows. That was consider like the worst thing you can do. Steal amount horse or his cow. All right, there you go, I mean really in to this day it's that's like you don't do that.
Pranamami sada Prabhupada-padam
He says Paramadrita, the most worshipable Bhaktivinod Thakur. Everything we have the entire wealth of the Krishna consciousness movement has descended thru his agency and just one other thing because today is also the disappearance of Haridas Thakur. Guru Maharaj saidonce and kind of a lightweight but he said, because Brahma it's a saying, because Brahma in the Brahma vimohan leela stoles Krishna's cows and that's kind of like a mlechha kind of thing to do you know.It like in America and the Wild West, what was very punishable with stealing horses and cows. That was consider like the worst thing you can do. Steal amount horse or his cow. All right, there you go, I mean really in to this day it's that's like you don't do that.
So Brahma stoles Krishna's cows. Govindas can't like, unthinkable that separate Krishna from his beloved cows, but it's called Brahma Vimohan Leela and that's very beautiful pastime, but there's always some parallel in Mahaprabhu's pastimes. So Guru Maharaj says: "because he did a yavana thing, like stealing cows, he had to be born, Brahma born in a family of yavanas, it means nondevotees in general.
So, he appeared again it's the past time, to show how exalted he is, and an interesting thing known about Mahaprabhu's pastimes, right. Haridas is the Yavana, Ramananda is the shudra, Rupa, Ragunath and Sanatana are cayasthas.
So everyone, not everyone, but so many are seemingly out cast, outside the traditional caste system and Mahaprabhu shining a spotlight on them.
Ramananda, he's raga marg dicsha guru.
He is
Kiba vipra
Kiba nyasi
sudra kene naya
That spoken to him, you may be a sudra but
Jaya Krishna tava vieta say Guru hoy
He is
Kiba vipra
Kiba nyasi
sudra kene naya
That spoken to him, you may be a sudra but
Jaya Krishna tava vieta say Guru hoy
You know the science of Krishna, I accept you, it’s divine. So, Ramananda, socially unqualified. Rupa and Sanatana is cayasthas, Ragunath Das as well. Even Bhaktivinod Thakur, Sarasvaty Thakur cayastha's. What lead to...? Saraswathy Thakur saying when Guru Maharaj join.
yat yat acharity shrestha
Batacharja Brahman
It's says, men like this boy, actually be good for the prestige of the mission.
yat yat acharity shrestha
Batacharja Brahman
It's says, men like this boy, actually be good for the prestige of the mission.
Anyway, not to think like that these things are all almost
meaningless in modern times but it just points to something, that Mahaprabhu's always he's going outside of the the Braman and the caste system as you normally understand. That some people with it: "yes, Mahaprabhu was a communist". And then gol they, like to say that.
meaningless in modern times but it just points to something, that Mahaprabhu's always he's going outside of the the Braman and the caste system as you normally understand. That some people with it: "yes, Mahaprabhu was a communist". And then gol they, like to say that.
Amia Sindhu prabhu, he saw and the Communist headquarters down in Calcutta. They have like a picture ofLenin you know with tilak, garland everyday guide you know ring a bell, doing puja.
Amia Sindhu: and they have Parampara...
Gosvamy Maharaj: Lenin, Marks, Angels, you know...
Avadhut Maharaj: and he called Marks waddling, wada...
Gosvamy Maharaj: yea, like that Lenin vad, Marks vad you know Angels vad, there's something.
Amia Sindhu: and they have Parampara...
Gosvamy Maharaj: Lenin, Marks, Angels, you know...
Avadhut Maharaj: and he called Marks waddling, wada...
Gosvamy Maharaj: yea, like that Lenin vad, Marks vad you know Angels vad, there's something.
Look even the Christian temples in south Indiaare. They have, to have yagya for the wedding put the kumkum and the bride there, you know, otherwise people and accept that you got married.
They do yagyas in the Christian temples and aroty...[laugh] Start with the feet and with the thorn.
Avadhut Maharaj: some of their prayers in Sanskrit actually christian prayers.
Gosvamy Maharaj: yea, I sure. So Haridas Thakur, we're told the interestingly, remember
jalasya culukena va ...
Where, the power of a Tulasy leaf and Ganga jal, Advayta with this palm full of Ganga water and Tulasy jal, he brought Mahaprabhu down.
Avadhut Maharaj: some of their prayers in Sanskrit actually christian prayers.
Gosvamy Maharaj: yea, I sure. So Haridas Thakur, we're told the interestingly, remember
jalasya culukena va ...
Where, the power of a Tulasy leaf and Ganga jal, Advayta with this palm full of Ganga water and Tulasy jal, he brought Mahaprabhu down.
That's like, who... What can we say about Advayta Acharja? We don't know his glories truly, but you know, Puncha Tatva Advayta Acharja, sometimes that he brought Mahaprabhu. Krishna in the upper world and that he heard of Advayta's calls.
You know, you got to see: “Sorry, but we can't come, that of your call is important to me”, not, Advayta Acharja direct line right, he brings, not just to the phone, he bringsKrishnaMahaprabhudown.
So, that Advayta Acharja, when they're waiting, they tell like in Krishna leela and all the gods goddesses to assemble before them as part of the Guru Varga.
Haridas Thakur and Advayta Acharja, they already began Nam Sankirtan. They're already doing it. While we're waiting for Mahaprabhu and all the devotees… Advayta Acharja and Haridas Thakur, they've begun.
NityanandaandHaridas. Remember that section, where Haridas is thinking, Nityananda is going to get him in trouble. And the Chaitanya Bhagavata, he's think, this Nityananda and there's a little unusual, he's approaching like the most... Usually, if you out on Sankirtan, you go for like someone who looks a little favorable, right. Nityananda is looking forthe worst, most abominable, sinner, murderer, like to worst.
Can Haridas is thinking, you know, like: “what's can a happen to us, everything, they're being chased outof the market place”. Nityananda is got an idea, you know. How could we be here, If not for the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu.
Avadhut Maharaj: Nityananda can run easy and Haridas old man.
Gosvamy Maharaj: Right, way... [laugh]. And they're already doing their Nama Sankirtan, when Gauranga Mahaprabhu is descending, that's why Advayta and Haridas. So, he just waiting and that's when he goes with the Sita Takurani, we just celebrated her appearance day as well and they go over and she named him baby Nimay and it's very beautiful and sweet.
Gosvamy Maharaj: Right, way... [laugh]. And they're already doing their Nama Sankirtan, when Gauranga Mahaprabhu is descending, that's why Advayta and Haridas. So, he just waiting and that's when he goes with the Sita Takurani, we just celebrated her appearance day as well and they go over and she named him baby Nimay and it's very beautiful and sweet.
But Haridas Thakur is very perplexing to understand his devotion to the Holy Name. We see his glories in the Chaitanya Bhagavata and some other places.
How he preaches the glories of the holy name of Krishna. This exclusive intense, unparalleled intensity about Krishna Nam.
And I just like to remind everyone, it's not that, he's just, you know, he's chanting some sound. We take it, that it shudha nam, which means its direct bajan. He'sserving.
When he's taking the name, it's generating spiritual substance, right. It's serving in the upper world. We told, that Haridas Thakur, who, you know, that the Kazi tried to
seduce him, by sending a prostitute and I thought about this.
seduce him, by sending a prostitute and I thought about this.
Could the same pastime repeattwice? Why?Second one comes with Maya Devy come. Because someone get that our minds are so polluted. We could think: "oh well, you know, maybe she wasn't that good look», you know the girl, the guys said. Our minds will think, that's not the ultimate, the ultimate test would be Maya Devy herself...
Because this almost identical pastime happens twice. The first is the courtesan, send by the King and he passes that test flying colors, she becomes disciple.
But the other one is just like Sanatana in Brihat Bhagavatamritam, Guru Maharaj says the last sweet bullet enters the brain, when Maya Devi herself comes before you, that what it said.
And this is a very interesting line. It says, she was exhibiting [faminine] postures, that would have bewildered the mind of Brahma. Thinkaboutit.
Brahma Haridas, as Brahma, he couldn't pass this test, but as Haridas Thakur, that same Brahma, as Haridas Thakur with Mahaprabhu's mercy and Nityananda Prabhu's mercy, Maya Devi becomes his disciple. Illusion personified becomes his disciple, it's an inconceivable pastime and there's numerous glories of Haridas Thakur. But ultimately, after a lifetime and also… It’s heart breaking, every time you see some big happy gathering of the devotees Mahaprabhu. Mahaprabhu: "all right, everybody come for Prasadam." And then the devotees come closer and then go: "where's Haridas?". He'll be like at thefront gate. You know, like, I’m unworthy, I'm untouched, I don't let me pollute the other devotees of my association.
They always like, bring him a plate Prasadam, afterwards he leaves at the Sidhabakhul.
Of course, who his roommates at the Sidhabakhul?There's no room, but who has the roommates at the Sidhabakhul?
Rupa Gosvamy, SanatanaGosvamy, Mahaprabhu stops by every day, so that Haridas so unparalleled humility, unparalleled dedication to the holy name of Krishna.He's chanting every day, was it 3 lakhs Krishna Nam, and not, not 3 lakhs of noise.
When Sagar Maharaj, was joking with Guru Maharaj once and Svarup Damodar said:«Making [collaho]», it said: «A lack of noise», and lack meaning hundred thousand and Guru, it was very funny moment. He said:“not that ekalaka nam”, mean particular quality. Svarup Damodar: “three lakhs of Shudha nam, he's not a practitioner, he's not practice, is not trying to ascend”.
And anyway, so then that Haridas Thakur, he suddenly, he won't eat until he finishes 3 lakhs a hundred ninety-sixround's, as he is getting older...
Krishna Priya is ready the same. As he is getting older, his body is, is unable to complete the task. And so, he's thinking like, devotees will come by Haridas if you take it... No, I can't complete my rounds and there's Mahaprabhu: "you're getting older, you can reduce the numbers, like… Nohecan't." But then we find out what is really disturbing him, he's preabsorb of Advayta Acharja letter to Mahaprabhu, releasing him saying: "what you came to give, has been, you an end date the world with that divine substance, now you're free to go in your internal culture."
The Guru Maharaj called: "public service, private service."
I mean private culture. Then, so, Haridas says: "what's really bothering me my lord is that, I fear, soon you will leave the world." And yet, so much love for Mahaprabhuhe won't be able to tolerate it.
I mean private culture. Then, so, Haridas says: "what's really bothering me my lord is that, I fear, soon you will leave the world." And yet, so much love for Mahaprabhuhe won't be able to tolerate it.
And now we're back to that point about pain, the pain of separation yielding a greater type of wealth than the joy of union.
Saying, his heart will not be able to bear that. He wants to leave the world before Mahaprabhu.
yadi gaura na ha ’ta, tabe ki haita,
kemane dharitām de
rādhāra mahimā, prema-rasa-sīmā…
jagate jānāta ke
kemane dharitām de
rādhāra mahimā, prema-rasa-sīmā…
jagate jānāta ke
Such devotees they can't imagine live a world without Mahaprabhu. Sometimes devotees talk about other theistic systems, about this: "is that ok or how far is it ok are we ok ..."But I don't want to speak against them, but just put it to you this way. You mean as any system whatever it is, thatdoesn't have Radha and Krishna, Nanda Yashoda, Lalita Vishakha, Rupa Ratry, Prasadam, the Deities, Mahaprabhu, right.
Who will be happy with that? How a devotee? That is impossible for them to be... They can… Guru Maharaj said he's the man within Vaycuntha will be a troublemaker, right.
The gopis, they're not happy seeing the form of Vishnuform. We're going to talk about things that are less than that, will devotees. Whattypeofdevoteeyou'retalkingabout?
Vasudev Ghosh can't imagine existing for a moment without a connection with Gauranga Mahaprabhu. You [nev] you talk. Krishna devotees, you know, and then the devotees, devotees etc.
Once someone is coming…
Guru Maharaj says
Param drishtva nivartate
It is the reference on a deep level interpretation, to Gora Leela being superior to Krishna leela.
Guru Maharaj says
Param drishtva nivartate
It is the reference on a deep level interpretation, to Gora Leela being superior to Krishna leela.
And want's you had a taste of that, you cannot be satisfied that, you, they cannot be satisfied with Krishna leela without the potential of Gora leela.
This is a very beautiful thing and actually it's a secret, it's a key to [out] understand, who are the real devotees. Whois?
And we say, devotee of my devotee. Really with then, that's an encrypted way of saying Radha dasyam. There's no one has superior love Krishna than Shrimaty Radharany.
So anyway that Haridas Thakur, he is... And as it's said Vasudev, that they can't imagine living without… Then, Guru Maharaj says, Vasudev Gosh says: "but I noticed for some time you were living without a connection with Gauranga. So, then it must have been you were anticipating getting this connection, that I can understand».
That's the only thing can understand. You're anticipating getting it so it appears that for some time you were living without that. Otherwiseimpossible.
naprema-gandho 'stidarāpimeharau
Same thing, Radharany Mahaprabhu can't live. That what, what the proof I no love Krishna, that I'm living. That I can live, that I don't break down and lamentation of my heart can tolerate the pain of being separated from Krishna. It'sverymysteriousthing.
We were actually, that's were we told, we can culture our fortune is feeling something for not being Krishnaconsciousness. That, that disturbs the heart, mind and soul of any genuine devotee is to degree that we realize we are not Krishna consciousness, that we are separated. But there's some secret wealth, if that devotees have still despite that despite my shortcomings fault offenses lack of qualification.
I have no other goal, no other shelter. I will hope against, hope and pray for the mercy of the Lord's devotees. That I can go on, and, and an anticipation of this, I can live. Yes, I don't have it now, I know that, but in anticipation that, by their grace something may come to me. Icanjustifymyexistence.
Anyway, that Haridas Thakur, he told that to the Mahaprabhu and Mahaprabhu sanctioned his leaving the world. The next day Mahaprabhu comes, and remember all his life he's chanting 300,000 times Hare Krishna Mahamantra every day. At the last moment Mahaprabhu comes beforehim with his devotees. He takes the lotus feet of Mahaprabhu on his head and heart and starts chanting Sri Krishna Chaitanya, Sri Krishna Chaitanya and leaves the world.
And then Mahaprabhu picks up the divine form of Haridas Thakur and devotees have a procession. He goes to the ocean, base Haridas Thakur and it's clear this place, the holy place. When we were in Lahta with Shrila Gurudev, he said something very mysterious, he said: "Yes...", and it because, I think we were there once on this day and Gurudev said: "when Mahaprabhu bathe Haridas Thakur", and said: "this is now holy place and sanctified the ocean", said: "that ocean actually it touches all the other ones", he said: "so all of them became holy and sanctified."
So, we know we go to any major ocean any part of the world. You know, there's something extraordinary about like you bathe in the ocean and youfeel like purified or somewhat liberated.
Gurudev was saying, the Haridas Thakur so powerful, all the oceans of the world became purified and holy place.
So, Gurudev sitting in that little kiosk on the corner of the… You know, what is can looking out on the what is that the Baltic Sea.
Avadhut Maharaj: It been «Gazibl».
Avadhut Maharaj: It been «Gazibl».
Gosmavy Maharaj: yeah, but he looked out on the sea, what is that?
AvadhutMaharaj: It’s finishGulf
Gosvamy Maharaj: Finish Gulf, so I will finish on the finish Gulf.
AvadhutMaharaj: It’s finishGulf
Gosvamy Maharaj: Finish Gulf, so I will finish on the finish Gulf.
Anyway, then they have a big feast and his honor. And reminds Shrila Praphupad on the state put the Krishna Prabhu was there static of major car wreck insouth Africa and Praphupad had just put his cane like to the side, Praphupad always [said the came], he just put it in a certain place and it saved him from being you know, finished by the car wreck.
So, all the devotees around the world, we were very scared the news, you can imagine, like shook, the movement. But what was interesting after they got to the place where they're going. Praphupad said, read from the passing of Haridas Thakur. That's, what they read.
It's a mysterious thing, mysterious place, he's such anexalted personality carried and the Mahaprabhu's own divine arms, they created the Samadhi there in Jagannatha Puri. We went, remember, and what used to be very simple, when I first went in 1974. Now is a major monument. But every Prema-dhavani, what we say, JayOum Wishnupad, we always say, Nama Acharja Shrila Haridas Thakur Ki Jay!
And, so, we say this on this day, Nama Acharja Shrila Haridas Thakur Thirubhava Maha Mahotsava Tithy Ki Jay!
Nitay Gora Premenanda Hari Bol.
Nitay Gora Premenanda Hari Bol.
AvadhutMaharaj: WhenMahaprabhuonefeelsthatleelaatjustabouttobegin. He called his associates and said: "today you will see something, you never seen before."
Everybody thought you know, what kind of possible leela can manifest, but as we know, according Ramananda Roy, the most exalted separation and separation...
Gosvamy Maharaj: most unbearable separation.
Avadhut Maharaj: The separation from vayshnava
Gosvamy Maharaj: Yes.
Avadhut Maharaj: So, Mahaprabhu selecting Haridas it's like final sacrifice, because really you know, as Gurudev said:«Up to lost blood after, up lost drop of blood I should try to serve».
Gosvamy Maharaj: most unbearable separation.
Avadhut Maharaj: The separation from vayshnava
Gosvamy Maharaj: Yes.
Avadhut Maharaj: So, Mahaprabhu selecting Haridas it's like final sacrifice, because really you know, as Gurudev said:«Up to lost blood after, up lost drop of blood I should try to serve».
Gosvamy Maharaj: Yes.
Avadhut Maharaj: And you know, I said to one of myswamy friend: "it is never retired kamikadze".
Avadhut Maharaj: And you know, I said to one of myswamy friend: "it is never retired kamikadze".
It is not possible that one day: “I was kamikadze...”
Gosvamy Maharaj: It is higher than the suicides want...
Gosvamy Maharaj: It is higher than the suicides want...
Avadhut Maharaj: Was like: «One dayI was "kamikadze", but I'm kind of retired, so looking at my plane, pictures, remember my praise». SoShrilaGurudev...
Gosvamy Maharaj: Guru Maharaj also said on that point: "If you fought in the war, you should have a wound". When we were kids and would talk to the world war to Great Patriotic War veterans, we always, all the kids want to see they lift up their shirt, they show you something and that they don't show you something. Yougolike: "whatdidyoudo?"
So Guru Maharaj think:«If you're a member of Krishna Consciousness and you don't get wounded from time to time, we wonder, like, you know, what level are youparticipating on?"Avadhut Maharaj: Yes, one friend said:«On our math Sanyasi never fall down». I said:«Did they ever preach?Did ever went outside of like door? » And this location begins, in this case ... GosvamyMaharaj: Gurudev said that to Russian and, and Moscow and Janmachtamy ... this is the perfect Russian question.
So Guru Maharaj think:«If you're a member of Krishna Consciousness and you don't get wounded from time to time, we wonder, like, you know, what level are youparticipating on?"Avadhut Maharaj: Yes, one friend said:«On our math Sanyasi never fall down». I said:«Did they ever preach?Did ever went outside of like door? » And this location begins, in this case ... GosvamyMaharaj: Gurudev said that to Russian and, and Moscow and Janmachtamy ... this is the perfect Russian question.
If you take bath by mantra, do you have to take a regular back. And Avadhut Maharaj said, right at that time Russian cosmonaut got the world record, for being going to staying in outer space and Avadhut Maharaj said: "They like any job, that doesn't require bathing."
Avadhut Maharaj: I should a say, they concentrate take bath of mantram.
GosvamyMaharaj: Right, then that man said at the Gurudev and then, and never talk about Bramanes andthe Gurudev said: “Prabhu…” And he quoted this verse, I don't know Sanskrit and it's very interesting, it’s about what you just said. He said, there is a saying, that when a Braman crosses his threshold, that means your front door, when he steps outside of his house he's contaminated.
GosvamyMaharaj: Right, then that man said at the Gurudev and then, and never talk about Bramanes andthe Gurudev said: “Prabhu…” And he quoted this verse, I don't know Sanskrit and it's very interesting, it’s about what you just said. He said, there is a saying, that when a Braman crosses his threshold, that means your front door, when he steps outside of his house he's contaminated.
The only place he can control the contaminant is his house. So, once you step outside you’re in the world of contamination and they keep it on point.
What is Guru Maharaj saying about the mercy of Nityananda prabhu: "There is no greater disinfecting, than the mercy of Nityananda prabhu”. Butcontinue.
Avadhut Maharaj: And, so, Ramananda Ray, he's established the highest - separation and Mahaprabhu accept that, but then Mahaprabhu needs to show this. A normally we don't notice on the disappearance of Mahaprabhu or Krishna. Actually it's never part of our aim but that's one disappearance because it's the most powerful divine...
Remember, when you read Brindavandas Thakur, he will tell you what results you'll acquire by hear the particular Leela.
Gosvamy Maharaj: Yes.
Avadhut Maharaj: Today one lady devote was spokeabout different you know, leela and she was emphasizingon Radharani is appearance and I said that's wonderful thing but there're certain leela is indicated for us to be purify to prepare for highest. So, speaking about what allows for us by hearing,like, we can't understand Mahaprabhu departure.
Avadhut Maharaj: Today one lady devote was spokeabout different you know, leela and she was emphasizingon Radharani is appearance and I said that's wonderful thing but there're certain leela is indicated for us to be purify to prepare for highest. So, speaking about what allows for us by hearing,like, we can't understand Mahaprabhu departure.
So, we no allowed to hear about that, there's no one actually finding is divine nectar, from like relation, but theHaridas Thakur disappearance specifically indicated by Mahaprabhu specifically put in Charitamrita.
Gosvamy Maharaj: Antya leela.
Avadhut Maharaj: And described in a very, very detailed particular way. So, this is a very, very powerful seen and the way it's actually Antya leela, they're actually preparing for Mahaprabhu departure and Mahaprabhu's past time...
Avadhut Maharaj: And described in a very, very detailed particular way. So, this is a very, very powerful seen and the way it's actually Antya leela, they're actually preparing for Mahaprabhu departure and Mahaprabhu's past time...
Gosvamy Maharaj: ... unspeakable
Avadhut Maharaj: So, the ontologically it's kind of a key you know, because it's like in BhaktivinodThakur is writing, if you go to certain parts of the book, you know, if you're qualified, you get it.
Gosvamy Maharaj: Right, on this point and there's aquote in 11 [count of], actually Nrisimha Chaitanya, found the once that, where it says in Sanskrit the preferred method of teaching is by inference like subtle, like a lut...
Avadhut Maharaj: So, the ontologically it's kind of a key you know, because it's like in BhaktivinodThakur is writing, if you go to certain parts of the book, you know, if you're qualified, you get it.
Gosvamy Maharaj: Right, on this point and there's aquote in 11 [count of], actually Nrisimha Chaitanya, found the once that, where it says in Sanskrit the preferred method of teaching is by inference like subtle, like a lut...
Not telling it in great like you say, hear… Harydas says:“I hear you may leave [same]” that's it. Then they describe his disappearance. Mahaprabhu's is left by [infriend's] that's not can be told you it's too ill be to devastating it's indigestible.
Avadhut Maharaj: And what I really mace by today's lecture, because Gosvamy Maharaj begin, it sounds like he's not begin from Haridas Thakur departure, he began from pain, but then I can understand and a divine way sometimes the most important part comes on the end, sometimes the important part comes in the beginning.
So, this pain of separation and just what Maharaj says very, very important, by pain and it's purified by fire,it's not about expressing your appreciation, which you can only of make a full appreciation. Because you know, really have a connection with Krishna consciousness you don't know devotes so whatever you will do it will sound superficial and any, like you know, once it was very interesting saying, Muralishvari, who you'll know, he sees...
GosvamyMaharaj: andlove.
GosvamyMaharaj: andlove.
Avadhut Maharaj: yeah, and love and now he's translating Mathusudan Maharaj, but he translates Gurudev, Gosvamy Maharaj.
So, he met some you know, devotees from our Brotherhood or Sisterhood the organization and he start telling about Krishna consciousness. And do youknow what Muralishvar tell them? He tells them:“What you're telling me right now, is not better than cartoon's”.
You know, there's like when you want to broadcastsome story to children, you make a cartoon for them, you make a very primitive and very simple, but you know, that the same story for growing adult could be tragedy, could be like a big drama.
Gosvamy Maharaj: Yeah.
Avadhut Maharaj: But the children, they can only havea cartoon representation of that.
Gosvamy Maharaj: right.
Avadhut Maharaj: But the children, they can only havea cartoon representation of that.
Gosvamy Maharaj: right.
Avadhut Maharaj: Maybe it's time Praphupad was not happy.
Gosvamy Maharaj: He is fine.
Avadhut Maharaj: He is fine?
Gosvamy Maharaj: Yeah, it's on the other side.
Avadhut Maharaj: Ok, Krishna save us, but anyway, so, what Maharaj is emphasize what I really appreciate today because immediately it gives some reflection to my mind. I thought, well, if pain the most wonderful thing, if it's indicates indicator being a sick, like the only wave, like indicates you like a pain, if indicates you're doing something wrong. But, as Maharaj said that's also has to have some higher presence on spiritual plane.
Gosvamy Maharaj: He is fine.
Avadhut Maharaj: He is fine?
Gosvamy Maharaj: Yeah, it's on the other side.
Avadhut Maharaj: Ok, Krishna save us, but anyway, so, what Maharaj is emphasize what I really appreciate today because immediately it gives some reflection to my mind. I thought, well, if pain the most wonderful thing, if it's indicates indicator being a sick, like the only wave, like indicates you like a pain, if indicates you're doing something wrong. But, as Maharaj said that's also has to have some higher presence on spiritual plane.
So, what Gopakumar enter the Goloka Brindavan, he saw most miserable people he [at if] seen. And everybody was in so pain because of the Kalya Daman leela, but, but again that's kind of like you get from SanatanaGosvami, but starting with Haridas personality you begin to love him.
But his humble approach you know his way behavior with Mahaprabhu and then like, like you know the good movie, first you establish like a good soldier, but he has to die and like very middle part.
And then you start lamenting about him, because you see, well he may not be the principal character, but he's some kind of a you know, sincere guy that has although...
Gosvamy Maharaj: He could say: “Hey, I'm Brahma, I created a universe you know, I should be at the head of the table”, it's a fact, he's taking an extremely humbleposition.
Avadhut Maharaj: Right, which, which really [share], what Vaishnavism is? So, anyway, today with Ananga, with spoke, what next animation will do "Gopal"? And I said the next animation will do "Brahma Vimohan Leela", because Brahma still acows and [cabs] and then weend up this animation by millions of Brahmas coming to Krishna's palace and Krishna’s showing…
Gosvamy Maharaj: Yeah.
Avadhut Maharaj: That would be very watchable beautiful animation because there's a lot of fly between planets, which is a perfect FullDome seen.
GosvamyMaharaj: Yes.
Avadhut Maharaj: Right, which, which really [share], what Vaishnavism is? So, anyway, today with Ananga, with spoke, what next animation will do "Gopal"? And I said the next animation will do "Brahma Vimohan Leela", because Brahma still acows and [cabs] and then weend up this animation by millions of Brahmas coming to Krishna's palace and Krishna’s showing…
Gosvamy Maharaj: Yeah.
Avadhut Maharaj: That would be very watchable beautiful animation because there's a lot of fly between planets, which is a perfect FullDome seen.
GosvamyMaharaj: Yes.
Avadhut Maharaj: And remember, it's a very beginning of Garga Samhita, Brahma and other get complained by Bhumi... by the Bhumi Devi, Earth.
GosvamyMaharaj: Yeah
Avadhut Maharaj: And they're traveling by Ganga to the food hall of Vaman Dev and they're entering in Vaycuntha and they're passing to Goloka and who meets them in Goloka?Is the girl with the stick the Gopy and she's asking: "who are you?"
GosvamyMaharaj: Yeah
Avadhut Maharaj: And they're traveling by Ganga to the food hall of Vaman Dev and they're entering in Vaycuntha and they're passing to Goloka and who meets them in Goloka?Is the girl with the stick the Gopy and she's asking: "who are you?"
And they're like:«We are Gods», and She say: "yeah, I am seeing, you're some kind of a gods, your management of some universe, your management team, but can you tell me, which university came from?"
They're like:“The kind of lost”, they don't even know name of the universe and then they say:“Well, we don't know, which Universal came from”. And she says like:“Let me check in computer, tell avatars that recently descend and then by our records, we can understand...”
it's like "Kin Dza Dza", it's famous Russian movie.Like which university man from...
So, anyway, so, it begins from very like establishmentBrahma being so great by being like so, in so many ridiculous circumstances. I mean, that we can only call his circumstances are ridiculous, but we're considering,what we know something about Krishna consciousness, but Brahma you know...
Gosvamy Maharaj: He doesn't know.
Avadhut Maharaj: So, that's why Ramananda say
Jnane prayasam udapasya namanta eva
He's quoting the Brahma himself.
Gosvamy Maharaj: He doesn't know.
Avadhut Maharaj: So, that's why Ramananda say
Jnane prayasam udapasya namanta eva
He's quoting the Brahma himself.
GosvamyMaharaj: right
Avadhut Maharaj: And you know, when you see Brahma in the form of Haridas, because at that time when he prayed to Krishna, he asked... Krishna says: "okay, okay I'm really happy with your prayers, but what do you really want?" And you know, what Brahma say and which is confirmed, confirmed Bhakti Vinod, he says:“I want to be worm in Vaishnava's house rather be creative universe”.
Avadhut Maharaj: And you know, when you see Brahma in the form of Haridas, because at that time when he prayed to Krishna, he asked... Krishna says: "okay, okay I'm really happy with your prayers, but what do you really want?" And you know, what Brahma say and which is confirmed, confirmed Bhakti Vinod, he says:“I want to be worm in Vaishnava's house rather be creative universe”.
So, it says in a Skripche:“If you have hundred lives of pure dharmic life, you might have a chance to become a Brahma or have some taste the Holy Name and become a devotee and if you have some brains...
And like, because Brahma worship everywhere inThailand. Haridas Thakur nobody knows, but if you have a Sumedasa - the God conscious mind. You'll see, all rather suffer greatly and like Brahma showing, Haridas showing.
Maharaj said, pain this is the indication. His whole life is suffering. He's been crucified 24 times, it's not like one time.
Gosvamy Maharaj: Yeah.
Avadhut Maharaj: It's like 24 time crucification, suffering from beginning on the end. Finally going with Mahaprabhu and finally realizing, that he will not be able to their separation.
Gosvamy Maharaj: Yeah.
Avadhut Maharaj: It's like 24 time crucification, suffering from beginning on the end. Finally going with Mahaprabhu and finally realizing, that he will not be able to their separation.
So, thesecondthesecretcomes,isMaharaj saying, pain of separation, separation from Vaishnava and then he understands: “I cannot tolerate separation from Mahaprabhu”, so, that was his final decision point, so, we know, the last part of divine ecstasy is death. AsdescribedbyRupaGosvamythere’relike...
Gosvamy Maharaj: The tenth stage of separation.
Avadhut Maharaj: The tenth stage of separation is death, so and you know we think...
Gosvamy Maharaj: And the reason the gopis don't do that.
Avadhut Maharaj: Yes.
Gosvamy Maharaj: Because it's make Krishna unhappy.
Avadhut Maharaj: Right.
Gosvamy Maharaj: It all works out in the particular way.
Avadhut Maharaj: Right.
Gosvamy Maharaj: So, it's to be there, but they won't do that, they feel to do that, but realizing that will make Krishna unhappy. Then it to fit's everything, so they resist.
Avadhut Maharaj: But here in this Gora Leela everything hidden, because we understand its Madhavendra Puri who's expressing their certain sentiments and it's actually...
Gosvamy Maharaj: The tenth stage of separation.
Avadhut Maharaj: The tenth stage of separation is death, so and you know we think...
Gosvamy Maharaj: And the reason the gopis don't do that.
Avadhut Maharaj: Yes.
Gosvamy Maharaj: Because it's make Krishna unhappy.
Avadhut Maharaj: Right.
Gosvamy Maharaj: It all works out in the particular way.
Avadhut Maharaj: Right.
Gosvamy Maharaj: So, it's to be there, but they won't do that, they feel to do that, but realizing that will make Krishna unhappy. Then it to fit's everything, so they resist.
Avadhut Maharaj: But here in this Gora Leela everything hidden, because we understand its Madhavendra Puri who's expressing their certain sentiments and it's actually...
Gosvamy Maharaj: Haridas gets Mahaprabhu's permission.
Avadhut Maharaj: Yes
Gosvamy Maharaj: Doesn't it's not the Mahaprabhu just find out one day.
Avadhut Maharaj: Yes
Gosvamy Maharaj: Doesn't it's not the Mahaprabhu just find out one day.
Avadhut Maharaj: Right
Gosvamy Maharaj: Mahaprabhu give some divine, like he, they're making a divine deal. He realizes, how much love the other... He allows him to go on.
Avadhut Maharaj: Right
Gosvamy Maharaj: And the pastimes are also going from university, universe it is divine circle.
Avadhut Maharaj: Right
Gosvamy Maharaj: And the pastimes are also going from university, universe it is divine circle.
Avadhut Maharaj: We can see the sentiments of Madhavendra Pury, you can see the sentiments of great Vaishnava and like Ragunat Das, who was can meet his life, Haridas Thakur. So, it's very much in concept, that's what I said for this new lady. I said, if you really study our Guru Maharaj and Gurudev and Guru Maharaj specifically. Hisconceptisunioninseparation.
GosvamyMaharaj: right.
GosvamyMaharaj: right.
AvadhutMaharaj: It'snotaboutmeeting, it'sallabouttotalseparation.It's actually opposite the way you think and certain Vaishnava’s mission. Certain Vaishnava’s mission think this about meeting Krishna. You know, as, like Krishna consciousness has nothing to do about meeting Krishna, that comes in a very end, the separation...
Gosvamy Maharaj: Separation is like hunger, so it's a simple point, Guru Maharaj and it's also from Ramananda samvad.
Gosvamy Maharaj: Separation is like hunger, so it's a simple point, Guru Maharaj and it's also from Ramananda samvad.
When you're hungry, how much you will relish food, but if you have no hunger you won't care for it. So, yeah, that also, no it's about tasting, yeah, if you have extreme hunger, how you will relish even the least part of it, but if you have no hunger even being overwhelmed by it, it will have no interest in you.
So, it all makes sense and an inverted way in the divine way. So, there's no relish in Krishna consciousness without a hunger, that means,you after first, become realized the painful situation wherein at present being separated from Krishna, as long as being separated from Krishna doesn't bother us!
Cultivating Krishna consciousness is superficial, it's only for the devotees who start to feel something, feel the absence of Krishna, the absence of his devotees, theabsence of all these things, that means their hearts going in the right direction.
Avadhut Maharaj: What you said Maharaj is veryimportant, beginning the pain and then think, well, if you real devote, what would be you sincere feeling like,do you think like: “How you feel prabhu?”, “I'm fully Krishna consciousness, I'm an ecstasy at every moment. Hari Bol Prabhu, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, wait a minute, let me finish my round, Hare Krishna, Hare ...”And some people think it's true, because they don't know what's reality. And when Gurudev told veryfunny story. When he was a child you know, he was a singer in Bengal you know, his father was a singer and you know Gurudev and he said, he hangs out to one Vaishnava goshay, you know the black Vaishnava guy from village and theywould go together to some festival. And there are many Bavugs, the Sahagia Vaishnava’s who look, "ha ha ha Krishna", and this goshay who is Vaishnava, he’s showing to Gurudev, he says: "do you like this man?"
Gosvamy Maharaj: A different one [about glass]
Avadhut Maharaj: “Do you like this man? I think this man is
really wonderful”.
Gosvamy Maharaj: Give me new glass with water.
Gosvamy Maharaj: A different one [about glass]
Avadhut Maharaj: “Do you like this man? I think this man is
really wonderful”.
Gosvamy Maharaj: Give me new glass with water.
Avadhut Maharaj: You know, this devote would, who was like a senior devote, he would test Gurudev, he said:“You like this man? I think is a wonderful because”, you know...And Gurudev like thinking: “I like this man, but”, you know, this goshay, he would provoke him, he would say: “Do you see how much does he has Krishna prem? How he says Kreeeshnaaaa?” You know, like, because you know you get many of them in Bengal, like it's part of the deal.
It's part of the festival, to be some guy, who full in Krishna consciousness, then he smokes a cigarette behind stage and think you know, like, it was really amazing program today.
So, anyway Gurudev told us many times that story. So, because in Guru Maharaj is world, he doesn't trade with a false currencyes, everything he deal with has to be realsubstantial conscious and what Maharaj said today it's an amazing, because if we wouldn't speak about pain, then how we can appreciate Haridas, it would be some kind of an unconnected with human's feeling and heart, because really, if someone will die like our child, our friends, ourbroader, our sister you know, a certain point we will not be able to like check our tears, because it that these are thepeople connect with…
You know, if you ever went through like. I went through you know grandmother death and I was there, but I couldn't stop crying at some point I mean it was just like such a deep appreciation of this person and I'm not the sentimental person but it didn't work out according my mental plane just came out naturally. So, the feelings inside heart and they will come out naturallyand the separation of the great test and this is the great leela by which, we celebrated. Observe. Actually it's veryinteresting, we observance, so, we're not really in, but we're observing for particular side and we're getting alittle taste, of course. We know,Maharaja’s giving the depth.
Dandy Maharaj: some question, we say about Haridas Thakur position and like we say, he was most confidential servitor, one most confidential servitor of Mahaprabhu, and we say Rupa Gosvamy is Rupa Mangari, Sanatana Gosvamy is Sanatana Mangari, but Haridas Thakur is Lord Brahma but as how can we feel...
1:02:35 Gosvamy Maharaj: Yeah, we not told about his spiritual identity because Brahma has not a spiritual identity, that's you know executive class jiva.
You know, if you ever went through like. I went through you know grandmother death and I was there, but I couldn't stop crying at some point I mean it was just like such a deep appreciation of this person and I'm not the sentimental person but it didn't work out according my mental plane just came out naturally. So, the feelings inside heart and they will come out naturallyand the separation of the great test and this is the great leela by which, we celebrated. Observe. Actually it's veryinteresting, we observance, so, we're not really in, but we're observing for particular side and we're getting alittle taste, of course. We know,Maharaja’s giving the depth.
Dandy Maharaj: some question, we say about Haridas Thakur position and like we say, he was most confidential servitor, one most confidential servitor of Mahaprabhu, and we say Rupa Gosvamy is Rupa Mangari, Sanatana Gosvamy is Sanatana Mangari, but Haridas Thakur is Lord Brahma but as how can we feel...
1:02:35 Gosvamy Maharaj: Yeah, we not told about his spiritual identity because Brahma has not a spiritual identity, that's you know executive class jiva.
What is his identity in the upper world? I haven't heard.What again, when we as Maharaj [alutetu], when we heardifferent pastimes about different great exalted personalities, we should not think, that we are somehow privilege to think, that they don't know they're playing a part of ... You know. So? when we say Brahma to convenient marker for karma mishra bhakti. That Brahma, what isit say in Brahma Samhita, he realized, he is the
gopi, right, so but as Brahma means you know universe manager.
gopi, right, so but as Brahma means you know universe manager.
It doesn't matter there are many Brahmas, you may have been Brahma, anyone of us who may have been Brahma [in the time]. So, Brahma is always the marker of karmaMishra bhakti, Shiva is a marker of GiannaMishrabhakti. So, but we say:“No, but Shiva, what about Gopeshvar…” Doesotherthingsyouknow:bog,tjag,Bhaktashiv.
But, so, that the point is being made here and Maharaj mentioned to nicely the song of Bhaktivinod Thakur. Remember, hesays,
kita-janma hau jatha tuwa das
bahir-mukha brahma janme nahi asha
The bahir-mukha, the four-headed BrahmaI don't, I wouldn't want to be, I'd rather be an insect in the house of a devotee.
kita-janma hau jatha tuwa das
bahir-mukha brahma janme nahi asha
The bahir-mukha, the four-headed BrahmaI don't, I wouldn't want to be, I'd rather be an insect in the house of a devotee.
So, again that Brahma, he's been taken as, the Lord, the creator of the universe. When the creator of the universetakes the position in Mahaprabhu's pastimes, it's in a very humble socially the list position and he said that shloka
[Tat buri ba abagyam ihi ganma kinapitavyam]
The Brahma say:“I wantto be born as a shrubbery creeper in Brindavan”. So, many enter this pastime's, that to show the weight so always be, who in the highest position in the material world, he gets entrance to the list position the most remote peripheralposition in Mahaprabhu's pastimes
[Tat buri ba abagyam ihi ganma kinapitavyam]
The Brahma say:“I wantto be born as a shrubbery creeper in Brindavan”. So, many enter this pastime's, that to show the weight so always be, who in the highest position in the material world, he gets entrance to the list position the most remote peripheralposition in Mahaprabhu's pastimes
But, that said, we're, by the grace of our Guru Varga we come to understand many things about the pastimes of Mahaprabhu and ultimate internal identity and things. Weshould not think, that these exalted souls, who are playing these parts, they have, do not have such identities, they do.
So, Kavi Karnapur in another play, they've indicated who's who in Gora Leela and Krishna Leela. But I don't recall herein the position of Brahma Haridas.
Avadhut Maharaj: Also one interesting point, Krishna comes in one days of brahma.
GosvamyMaharaj: Yes
Avadhut Maharaj: That particular universe you know, Krishna is coming has particular mission, this particularmission as Brahma Vimohan Leela. He’s performing the salvation of Brahma, as Maharaj mention, Brahma realize his divine identity. So, his darshan of Krishna, remember that first time darshan, from word of Drishti as Maharaj say, to see, he could not see him as God, I mean of course it was “Vimohan”, but so, coming that and also remember he's got the position of Acharya
Brahma Madava sampradaya, he's not an ordinary person, he is also an Acharya. So, as a great Acharya, he re appears and directing towardsKrishna consciousness.If you say, he could be spiritual teacher of the beginning of the universe [piece] spiritual teachings, just what I said to one of our friend today. And time spiritual teachings get refind to like, iPhone one,iPhone two, spiritual, you know, it says sometimes bediminished and some people, but that's only be outside of Parampara, in Parampara they actually become revolutionary you know, progress progressive.
Avadhut Maharaj: Also one interesting point, Krishna comes in one days of brahma.
GosvamyMaharaj: Yes
Avadhut Maharaj: That particular universe you know, Krishna is coming has particular mission, this particularmission as Brahma Vimohan Leela. He’s performing the salvation of Brahma, as Maharaj mention, Brahma realize his divine identity. So, his darshan of Krishna, remember that first time darshan, from word of Drishti as Maharaj say, to see, he could not see him as God, I mean of course it was “Vimohan”, but so, coming that and also remember he's got the position of Acharya
Brahma Madava sampradaya, he's not an ordinary person, he is also an Acharya. So, as a great Acharya, he re appears and directing towardsKrishna consciousness.If you say, he could be spiritual teacher of the beginning of the universe [piece] spiritual teachings, just what I said to one of our friend today. And time spiritual teachings get refind to like, iPhone one,iPhone two, spiritual, you know, it says sometimes bediminished and some people, but that's only be outside of Parampara, in Parampara they actually become revolutionary you know, progress progressive.
Even, and that's what I said to this lady, I said Krishna consciousness has already fifth wave. Like, was the first wave, like first iphone one, but you know that was likethe when Praphupad came. ThenwasGuruMaharaj, Gurudevandfifthwave.
Like Gosvamy Maharaj is giving us like new wave of understanding and, and you say, well why Praphupad wouldn't give that.Becauseit's, it'sthenaturalprogress.
Gosvamy Maharaj: Yeah, and also we don't say, when you know, Rupa and Sanatana, RagunathBhatta and Jiva, you know, why didn’t they have different service.SanatanaGosvamy is the bhakti sidhanta Acharja, Rupa Gosvamy is the rasa Acharja, Ragunath Das Gosvamyis the prayogana tatva Acharya, Jiva Gosvamy in Baladev… You know, they're protecting the samparadaya, it's different seva, Gopal Bata is doing a particular seva and it's not one council the other or... No, it’s... And, what you call, in tandem, you know, together they're working.
So, Praphupad, whathedidwasperfectandforthattime [this caves] the perfect amount of information and way of presenting Krishna consciousness, that people could embrace and accept.
Guru Maharaj by his own acknowledgment, that he's giving a secondary education and what you learn in your secondary... It doesn't council your primary education, it's an extension of that and we're here really trying to draw attention to the things.
Guru Maharaj by his own acknowledgment, that he's giving a secondary education and what you learn in your secondary... It doesn't council your primary education, it's an extension of that and we're here really trying to draw attention to the things.
I'm trying to draw attention to things that I found over 45 years have stayed with me from Praphupad from Guru Maharaj from Gurudev. Things that are some somewhatunique. There are things that are shared and then there are things that are unique to each one of them, we like to draw attention to that. And it's not that one council the other, their “vaybavs” of your extensions. It'sahappything.
Avadhut Maharaj: And also certain commentaries let's say given by Vishvanath, Baladev. Theygive by Sarasvati Thakur, but if you look at the Guru Maharaj he could strictly take the pointsfrom Baladev, Vishvanath,Sarasvati Thakur and give the confidential meanings of what do you mean. So, and you know, somebody ask me, so, what's the difference between Gita of like Praphupad and Gita of Shridhar Maharaj.I said, well, I can tell you, what my understanding, Praphupad he's a cycler teller, because if I start explaining things this I have to explain that and explain you that and have to go like to the whole cycle, started from one point. So, Praphupad is lectureis like analyst cycle, where he is revealing more and more and more and more to you thetruth, which is like because if you don't understand this you can understand that, but you need to know this.That's a kind of particular way you are revealing things. But Guru Maharaj, he’s not like cycling, he's targeting Gita towardsBhagovatam and we targeting towards Bhagovatam towards Charitamrita and then we coming back to the Gita. So it's kind of you know, like when in, like a rifle you have to have three things come together, before we make shot and you have a perfect shot.
So it's just a different way, one is giving you a cycler explanation, which require a lot of information a lot of
understanding and one is directly point very very strong...
understanding and one is directly point very very strong...
Gosvamy Maharaj: Look, yes even Rupa Gosvamy tells the story of when he is going to see Mahaprabhuand. He arrived in Satyabhamapur, this town. And he has the dream Satyabhama appears to him and said:“Don't make... You, you have this drama, make it in two, deal with Krishna… You know, Vrindavana leela and Dvaraka leela, don't put it together, do them as two”.
Then later Mahaprabhu says the same thing any acceptconfirmation. So, he produces the Vidagha Madhava and the Lalita Madhava, then how dynamic is that. Rupa Goswami he's writing a book, divine apparent,[someonehelp]: "Make your book into two sections."
So, it's not like it's one council, the other with… There was no flaw, it's just, it's something living growing developing...
Avadhut Maharaj: It's different Krishna.
Gosvamy Maharaj: Right, that's exactly and what you said, why didn't he know that before, this is past time.He's riding and from his heart in a particular way and then the heart of a Dvaraka queen comes down to deal this, keepBrindavan here and do another book, this way.
Avadhut Maharaj: Right.
Gosvamy Maharaj: So, it's a very beautiful thing.
Avadhut Maharaj: And in actually in value of this two leelas, you will see them contradict, there're not the same feeling,Krishna of Dvaraka is one feeling, Krishna of Brindavan is one feeling, you can't mix it together. They meet and see the ashram you know, there's, there's some meeting and, and being so charmed there are attract by Radharani and they're asking: "can you do rasadans once again", and youknow, Krishna by his mercy loud the Brijabasi to do rasa dance and they're totally charmed. But then finally a Krishna sincerely to tell them and like the devotees tell them sincerely:“What will we show you, it's actually nothing
compared to what is real”. So, it has a lot of spiritual substance.
Gosvamy Maharaj: Right, that's exactly and what you said, why didn't he know that before, this is past time.He's riding and from his heart in a particular way and then the heart of a Dvaraka queen comes down to deal this, keepBrindavan here and do another book, this way.
Avadhut Maharaj: Right.
Gosvamy Maharaj: So, it's a very beautiful thing.
Avadhut Maharaj: And in actually in value of this two leelas, you will see them contradict, there're not the same feeling,Krishna of Dvaraka is one feeling, Krishna of Brindavan is one feeling, you can't mix it together. They meet and see the ashram you know, there's, there's some meeting and, and being so charmed there are attract by Radharani and they're asking: "can you do rasadans once again", and youknow, Krishna by his mercy loud the Brijabasi to do rasa dance and they're totally charmed. But then finally a Krishna sincerely to tell them and like the devotees tell them sincerely:“What will we show you, it's actually nothing
compared to what is real”. So, it has a lot of spiritual substance.
Anyway, jayShrilaBhaktiSudhirGosvamyMaharajkijai. Maharaj you started the fire of Krishna Conscience tonight and it was amazing explanation about pain and separations and just perfect.