Vrindavan | Heart recognizes its home
1. Two Kinds of Gurus
2. Any devotee can be a siksha guru
3. The source of contact with reality - Guru
4. What is infinite to you is finite to Krishna
5. Within margin of error
6. Glories of Krishna - more than atoms in the world
7. Give up trying to measure using finite means
8. Relevant instruction (can come from anywhere)
9. Gradation of Non-Krishna versions
10. The pull of the Gopies' hearts
11. Ropes - extensions of Ananta Sesa
12. Tomorrow is Hera Panchami
20 mins
13. The Goddess of Fortune starts to worry
14. Srivas Thakur teases Swarup Damodar
15. Laksmi is coming out
16. Hera Panchami / Delightfully puzzling
17. Higher devotees conceal their position
18. Nectar water, gem soil
30 mins
19. Opulence Redefined / Vrindavan
20. Beauty of Krishna lila
21. Swarup Damodar - Mahaprabhu The Second
22. Heart of Ratha Yatra
23. Chaitanya Caritamrita is perfect
24. "Just listen to Chaitanya-charitamrita"
25. Dedicate urself - get Infinite in exchange
40 mins
Q: Too much trust in internal guru is bad?
31. Fictitious caitya guru (guru in the heart)
Q: Asking Vaishnava questions
33. Pranipat: no curiosity
34. Enquiring out of service
35. Siddhanta IS Krishna
36. Gotta have that sambahdha jnana if you want to serve
37. Sanatan Goswami
38. Brigad Bagavatamritam
39. Importance of hearing
40. Laksmi Devi is sweeping Radharani's courtyard
41. Heart recognizes its home
42. Gauranga - the Guru form of Krishna
60 mins
Q: How deep are the roots of offences to the Holy name?
43. Vaishnava aparadh is the worst
44. Vaishnavas live only for service
45. Varaha kills his offensive son
46. Vaishnava - an Ocean of mercy
47. Our own worst enemy is us
When you extend your brain to the extreme - do you think you caught the Infinite? The devotees convert non-Krishna to Krishna. Ananta Shesh - one of His expansions - the ropes of Jagannath's chariot. The Goddess of Fortune starts to wonder: what is this? Vrindavan - what is the pull of this place? Generally, the higher devotees - they are concealing their position. Swarup Damodar is a shuddha Brajabasi, so aishvarya, opulence is unknown to him. What are those trees in Vrindavan? - They are kalpataru - mystical desire trees. The soil is chintamani, water is nectar, every word is a song and every movement is a dance. One chintamani gem from the soil of Vrindavan has more opulence than Vaikuntha and Dvaraka combined. Kaviraj Goswami says, Just listen to Chaitanya-charitamrita! - You don't have to understand it. We have to dedicate ourselves and get the Infinite in exchange. We think that we'll give a finite amount of our finite self and will get the Infinite. Most of the times, people imagine chaitya guru and call it divine. We should ask out of inner necessity. And what drives the inner necessity? - Seva, dedicating ourselves. It doesn't mean that we cannot ask different questions at different times - cause we also need to acquire the proper angle of vision. We don't think of Yashoda as an acharya, but when she expresses something heart-felt - everyone is upgraded. The heart recognizes its home and things that are of the same quality. Krishna says, The worship of my devotees takes the precedence over My worship. If we do not appreciate the devotees, whom Krishna accepted as His own, the Holy Name won't be pleased with us. Like ayurvedic medicine - it works just all together. You can't choose something and then say, It doesn't work! There is no potency there!