Serving the Queen of Krishna's Heart | Disappearance of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami
The disappearance of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami. — Sat-goswami-astakam. – The Holy Name of Krishna is the supreme sound. – Shastra-nipun: the one who can extract the inner meaning of the scriptures. – The Vedas have a way for everyone, but what is their highest purpose? – Search for the eternal youthfulness and immortality. – The cure for death. – The ultimate nectarine substance is madhura-rasa. – The Goswamis of Vrindavan are gopis in Krishna-lila. – Why Mahaprabhu descended in a male form? - The principle illusion of existence. — All of Krishna’s happiness depends on one person. – Why to take shelter of Krishna? – Putana’s story. – “What am I bringing You, my Lord?” — The best test subject for the Lord’s mercy. — Different levels of Krishna-conception. - Who is the Queen of Krishna’s heart? — The lighthouse of Krishna-prem. — Uddhava’s experience in Vrindavan.
The disappearance of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami. — Sat-goswami-astakam. – The Holy Name of Krishna is the supreme sound. – Shastra-nipun: the one who can extract the inner meaning of the scriptures. – The Vedas have a way for everyone, but what is their highest purpose? – Search for the eternal youthfulness and immortality. – The cure for death. – The ultimate nectarine substance is madhura-rasa. – The Goswamis of Vrindavan are gopis in Krishna-lila. – Why Mahaprabhu descended in a male form? - The principle illusion of existence. — All of Krishna’s happiness depends on one person. – Why to take shelter of Krishna? – Putana’s story. – “What am I bringing You, my Lord?” — The best test subject for the Lord’s mercy. — Different levels of Krishna-conception. - Who is the Queen of Krishna’s heart? — The lighthouse of Krishna-prem. — Uddhava’s experience in Vrindavan.