Disappearanve of Srila Prabhupad Swami Maharaja.
The worst kind of pain is separation from devotees. — The fundamental principle of Saraswati Thakur — plurality of Gurus, Sri Guru, the Ultimate Guru. — Prabhu-priya, Radha-dasyam. — The first and the last principle is taking shelter of Guru. — Radharani, the One who is the fullest of Krishna. — Connection through descending service via Vaishnava hierarchy. — Srila Swami Prabhupada’s life as execution of the order of Saraswati Thakur. — ‘Back to Godhead’. — Dramatic nature of Krsna-lila. — 5th avenue Rathayatra parade as celebration of Srila Swami Prabhupada’s devotion.