There are different things you could do with a mango tree: you could chop it down and make some furniture or use it as firewood… That would be a shame — to do that to a mango tree. It’s similarly a shame to misread the Vedas and what their purpose is.
“If not for mercy — what hope is there for any of us?” — it sounds so much like Guru Maharaj, you could think Guru Maharaj wrote this part of Shakespeare.
25 July, 2019 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - The Gravitational Force of DevotionWhen Ramananda came, Mahaprabhu said, “So, you saw Jagannath?”— “No, I came to see You first. — What?! — And Ramananda Ray said, “The body is like a chariot and the heart is the charioteer, so where the charioteer tells the chariot to go — it has to go. My heart brought me here.”
25 July, 2019 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - The Gravitational Force of DevotionMahaprabhu has so much love for everyone and they – for Him – then what to do? What do you do when Advaita Acharya’s leading the one group, Nityananda – the other, Vakreshvara Pandit – the other, Srivas Thakur – the other? Who do you look at? – All of them simultaneously. So He expands, so that every person feels as though He’s looking at them and them alone: they’re making eye-contact the whole time - but with everyone.
2 August, 2019 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - Total Emphasis upon Radharani and Sri Chaitanya MahaprabhuSometimes we hear panic expressed by the possibility the Earth moving closer to the Sun or moving too far away from the Sun. If it moves too closer — then everything will burn, if it moves too far away then everything will be frozen. In other words, it would be an end to life as we know it. So it has to do with being properly positioned, properly situated to become nourished, thrive, grow, develop.
2 August, 2019 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - Total Emphasis upon Radharani and Sri Chaitanya MahaprabhuWith whom will Krishna feel comfortable enough to fully be Himself — but with those who possess love and affection — meaning, His devotees – and what to speak of the supreme devotee — Srimati Radharani.
2 August, 2019 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - Total Emphasis upon Radharani and Sri Chaitanya MahaprabhuThe Deity will want that the devotee is served. The Deity will not want that the devotee is neglected. How is Krishna celebrated? — So many deities — always in connection with the devotees. If we talk of Madhavendra Puri — Ksirachor Gopinath. Even the very name “Gopinath” — the Lord of whom? — The Gopis. — That’s a good name!
2 August, 2019 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - Total Emphasis upon Radharani and Sri Chaitanya MahaprabhuKrishna’s fully glorious position is revealed in connection with and through His devotees.
2 August, 2019 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - Total Emphasis upon Radharani and Sri Chaitanya MahaprabhuIf the Supreme Entity, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the personification of love and affection then our interest will be best served by hearing and serving, and associating with those who possess love and affection for Krishna or what Srila Saraswati Thakur called “Krishna-loving people”.
2 August, 2019 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - Total Emphasis upon Radharani and Sri Chaitanya MahaprabhuOne who loves Krishna, has Krishna-prem — they are the wealthiest.