Gopis say that Krishna is the Acharya of despicable behavior.
The Vaishnavas make everything meaningful.
The holy dham means concentration of auspiciousness.
Theistic culture is to see the Infinite in the finite, atheistic culture is seeing the Infinite as finite, seeing the divine as mundane.
In the spiritual world — how is compassion shown? In separation. Separation, when it reaches a particular level of intensity, draws compassion — the compassion of Krishna.
At present we are separated from Krishna. The only problem: it doesn’t bother us, as it should.
The secret to understand Krishna is to appreciate, to sing the glories of His devotees.
Pastimes of Krishna, vilas, they are flickering. But it's a feature, not a bug.
The attempt in Krishna consciousness yields substance. The lamentation for lacking qualification yields substance.
Why does He like stealing? — A taste is sweeter. — Parakiya: one that belongs to another.