The Disappearance of Srila Rupa Goswami.
Why Sri Rupa line? — The maximum gain. — First, take shelter of Guru. — Not direct connection with Krishna, but through the devotees. — Radha-bhav is the internal reason for Mahaprabhu's descend. — The unique Mahaprabhu of this Kali-yuga. — Rasa-lila: trillion minus One. — The highest thing for the people of Kali-yuga. - No disturbance to enter: Lalita-sakhi and Srila Govinda Maharaja. — When junior section, headed by Rupa Manjari, becomes the highest. — Rupa Goswami's poetry. — The shloka that makes everyone happy. — The nectar of the Krish-na Name. — Kurukshetra: the intensity of separation reveals the greatest depth of heart. — Mahabhav is the gift of Srila Rupa Goswami.