While we are in Puri, during Ratha-yatra time, being with Gurudev when he is in front of the Deities... When you're standing beside Gurudev and you're seeing Jagannath, Baladev, Subhadra — you're just thinking, “What's going through Gurudev's mind?” I know what I can see, but we know: Mahaprabhu sees the most wonderful things. We know that Gurudev sees all these wonderful things. But just to be beside that transaction that's taking place between Jagannath — and then we go to Subhadra, then — to Baladev, we are going to the different carts and standing there with Gurudev... It's very sweet.
We know what is the morning program of the temple, we know what is the evening program of the temple. We try to reflect that within our home, within our flat, within our prison cell — whatever it may be, wherever we are in this world, we will try to be with our eye on Krishna.
Criticize one person — oneself. But don't criticize anybody. Keep our life safe.
We have to always be Gaura conscious, Nitai conscious at every step.