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  • Kirtan: Enthusiasm and Dignity. To become dependent on Krishna

    1. Compassionate religion
    2. Sudarshan chakra is always protecting the devotees
    3. Dependency on the Lord
    4. Kirtan in the times of Guru Maharaj and Gurudev
    5. Squeezing the Holy Name
    6. There is no substitute in devotion (DIY)
    7. Constantly reconceiving the Infinite
    8. Kirtan is not a competition
    9. Infinite mixing with the finite
    10. Gokula is a satellite of the real spiritual world
    11. Adhoksaja – beyond our senses, the reason for them.
    12. Always and only Krishna
    13. Faithosphere
    14. Bird flying an infinite sky

    Chiang Mai 2015 - Kirtan: Enthusiasm and Dignity. To become dependent on Krishna

    Автор: Бхакти Судхир Госвами Cycle: Chiang Mai 2015 Загрузил: dinashraya Дата загрузки: 13 July, 2015
    Продолжительность: 01:07:16 Дата: 2015-07-10 Размер: 61.59Mb Место: Гупта Говардхан Чианг Май Скачано: 3825 Проиграно раз: 7423
    транскрибирование: Svarnangi Devi Dasi Редактировано: Enakshi Devi Dasi

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