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    It is the world of exploitation – should things be fair here? – No.

    People are ready for the euro-standards of theism.

    Подлинное чувство рождается в разлуке: когда влюблённые разлучены — вот тогда они способны пережить настоящее глубокое чувство.

    «Те, кто танцевали, казались безумцами тому, кто не мог услышать музыку»: так и люди порой не могут оценить киртан преданных — им хочется чего-то более приятного для слуха и чувств.

    You follow what Krishna says in your heart and the world turns against you. — And that's when you find out whether you are serious about Krishna consciousness or not.

    Из жизни в жизнь мы хотим быть связаны с вайшнавами. И мы хотим, чтобы нас признали вайшнавы. Нас могут признать материалисты, могут нас не признать. Мы не ищем признания материалистов. Если материалисты скажут, что мы хорошие — тогда наше эго удовлетворится. Мы хотим, чтобы Гуру сказал, что мы хорошие; Кришна сказал, что мы хорошие — то есть мы хотим сохранить нашу веру.

    When we're alone — how will you do Sankirttan, congregational chanting? — We need the devotees. And we need each other. It's not only like selecting: "Oh, I only want to go, meet one devotee". Everybody is a devotee who is devoted.

    Everybody is a devotee who is devoted. And that part of every devotee is what we are associating with. And the part that's not a devotee — we are not seeing it. So we see everybody as pure devotee, pure devotee, pure devotee, pure devotee. Only pure devotee. And only see ourselves as not a pure devotee.

    Guru Maharaj defines sincerity as appreciation for the Truth. People can be "sincere" about so many things. The mafia — they have some code that they follow. You can be a sincere member of that group. That can't be real sincerity when it's applied to something less than the divine. Appreciation for the Truth. And the Truth in not just some abstract sense, but the Truth as a person.Krishna is the supreme absolute Truth. And not just Krishna alone — Radha and Krishna...

    That's how well we're doing is how the Vaishnavas think of us and particularly — the higher Vaishnavas. So whether by personal inclination or a strategy we want to serve the Vaishnavas and gain their favor.