Within Krishna consciousness there is such variety, there is so much variegatedness in terms of what one can focus on, in terms of service and things like that. But it requires being attentive.
We are dealing with the Infinite. That means: if we’re in a proper mood and mode of thinking there will be no end to what can be discovered, no end to what can be a source of enlivenment. But the obstacle is, actually, ourselves: complacency, stereotype, thinking that we know [what Krishna consciousness is].
What appears to be “All risk and no gain” in its final and ultimate expression is “All gain and no risk”: you didn’t risk anything - because all the so-called risk was of things that are insubstantial, temporary to begin with.
Repeated hearing is more important than so-called understanding.
We are ready for total transformation, a complete transition from wherever we were previously to the new servitor identity. From an exploiting unit to a dedicating unit.
Kaviraj Goswami, Raghunath Das Goswami - they are saying, “I got the grace of Nityananda Prabhu!” – Nityananda’s saying, “Oh, all these devotees – they gave you their mercy – now you’ll be able to go to Mahaprabhu. Cause all these wonderful devotees – you pleased them, they are satisfied with you and by their grace…” But their grace is reflected grace from the heart of the kripa-avatar – Nityananda.
Sri Chaitanya Bhagavata is rasa without ontology… It’s just the overflowing of the melted heart of Vrindavan Das Thakur – what he loves about Gaura and Nityananda and he wants to share that with all the readers.
The substance of Guru is not externally observable.
This is not a fashion – to have a siksha-guru. It is about addressing inner necessity and ongoing development. – Who is addressing that?
According to inner sincere hunkering of the heart one will necessarily come in connection with a certain level of theistic conception and subsequent association.