26 September, 2017 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - Dhama: Concentration of Auspiciousness | About Self-deceivingTheistic culture is to see the Infinite in the finite, atheistic culture is seeing the Infinite as finite, seeing the divine as mundane.
18 January, 2018 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - To Be CompassionateIn the spiritual world — how is compassion shown? In separation. Separation, when it reaches a particular level of intensity, draws compassion — the compassion of Krishna.
18 January, 2018 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - To Be CompassionateAt present we are separated from Krishna. The only problem: it doesn’t bother us, as it should.
18 January, 2018 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - Vaishnavas' Interest: Selfishness or Not?The secret to understand Krishna is to appreciate, to sing the glories of His devotees.
18 January, 2018 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - Vaishnavas' Interest: Selfishness or Not?Pastimes of Krishna, vilas, they are flickering. But it's a feature, not a bug.
18 January, 2018 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - Vaishnavas' Interest: Selfishness or Not?The attempt in Krishna consciousness yields substance. The lamentation for lacking qualification yields substance.
18 January, 2018 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - Vaishnavas' Interest: Selfishness or Not?Why does He like stealing? — A taste is sweeter. — Parakiya: one that belongs to another.
23 February, 2018 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - Revelation and ImaginationThis world is not just a miserable place — it's a temporary miserable place.
23 February, 2018 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - Revelation and ImaginationWe are presenting ourselves to Guru and Vaishnavas to be, in a sense, remade.
23 February, 2018 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - Your Real Freedom and InterestOur present configuration is based on exploiting tendency.