What is the voltage in the Krishna-nam of Srimati Radharani? – That’s inconceivable. But with that voltage of Krishna-nam Mahaprabhu is taking the name of Krishna and He’s unable to contain the joy that It’s producing.
If you can say “Krishna” with love and affection – that is perfection.
You can only become a devotee of Krishna by the well-wishes and the mercy of the other devotees.
Prabhupad [Swami Maharaja] said, it’s all a devotee needs: a little prasad, a place to stay and some seva. And “Krishna-Krishna”…
That’s kind of the way Krishna consciousness operates: you’re anticipating something, but you can’t say for sure that that’s going to be the outcome. So we are just happy to be involved.
Srila Guru Maharaj says, “In Krishna consciousness separation is the most spacious thing. It’s even more broad and encompassing than union.”
Infinite depth of field means that everything becomes in intense focus – infinitely. So in separation – then there is a broadening of the focus. It’s no less precise, but more encompassing which means: through remembrance then everything – it’s possible that everything can become a source of remembrance.
What is Mahaprabhu’s tasting matter? We find: the focal point is separation. And it’s peculiar, because we would think: no one, other than Mahaprabhu… Who would invite this? No one would invite this - - because of some theoretical understanding of its superiority and its ability to yield a superior kind of substance
Krishna wants to experience separation and union in separation. Union in separation – that separation can bring about heightened intensity in feelings of love, affection, longing, thirst, hunger.
That’s a big thing to remember: what our Guru Maharaj does not approve. What is not approved by Sri Guru. – Then we eliminate that from our repertoire.