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    Separation at its zenith point releases the most superior type of Krishna-prem and with the highest quality in the highest quantity. That means maha-bhav.

    “The whole creation is mad after My aroma, but I am mad after the fragrance of My beloved.”

    Шрила Шридхар Махарадж говорит, что если мы действительно захотим прогрессировать в духовной жизни, мы будем вынуждены видеть и принимать духовного учителся каждую секунду.

    Идея – такая фишка, что её легко тырить, но обладать этой идеей – это значит служить ей. Обладать этой идеей – это значит полностью находиться под влиянием этой идеи, полностью зависеть от этой идеи. И тогда не ты обладаешь идеей, а идея обладает тобой.

    We don't worship Guru in isolation, but that means along with his servitors, associates - those whom he holds dear.

    “How should I pray?” – “Amara Jivana” – sing that song, look at what it means, go over it – word by word, line by line – that’s how you pray.

    Pratishtha means “self-assertion”, actually – besides “name and fame”.

    Disbelief is the ultimate tragic failure of imagination.

    On the banks of the Ganga, sitting on the rock, there’s Nityananda Prabhu with a radiance of hundred thousand suns. And we should stop for a moment and think: “Who will see that sort of divine radiance?” - We are our own obstruction. When they say that it means a type of spiritual illumination beheld by those who is spiritually awakened, who have spiritual vision.

    Why is this what they’re fed? We should think: chira and dadhi means some chipped rice, flat rice and yogurt. Why don’t they make some other big kind of feast? That will happen later, but… - Why? – Because they are cowherd boys. And this is a cowherd boy picnic – on the banks of the Ganga, Jamuna – the kind of things they would do in Vrindavan. It makes them very happy. So, really, it’s Balaram and a bunch of cowherd boys having a picnic – from another point of view.