1 October, 2019 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - The Life and Deeds of Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur…Vinod-Pran, Vinod-Vallabha — everything is “Vinod” in the names of Saraswati Thakur’s deities. Guru Maharaj said, “So much so, he’s giving us the impression: there is no approach for me to Radha and Krishna without the intervention of Vinod” — meaning, Bhaktivinod.
29 October, 2019 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - Govardhan Pastimes | Krishna's Shelter and ProtectionThat world that exists in our tiny skull-sized brains — this is where the assault is taking place... If we can go against that current, depending upon Krishna to give us shelter and protection, then everything will be fine. It will have the happy ending of the Govardhan pastime.
28 November, 2019 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - The Compelling Competitive Narrative of Krishna ConceptionIf Kirtan means a fight: it’s the Krishna-conception versus the mayic misconception. Another way of framing it is to understand — and what the world is about is competing narratives. There is the Krishna conception narrative and the mayic misconception narrative. And in case anyone has not noticed, we are in the world where the mayic misconception is getting all the airtime. It’s all-pervasive, it’s everywhere and everything.
28 November, 2019 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - The Compelling Competitive Narrative of Krishna ConceptionThere is no doubt that we are separated from Krishna. Of this there is no doubt. But what is sad is that it doesn’t bother us. It bothers devotees. At a certain point, it is increasingly disturbing to them. And that’s what leads to the heart developing appreciation for hearing. That’s why they’re qualified to hear — because their heart is actually feeling separation from Krishna and hearing about Him is the antidote to that.
10 December, 2019 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - Loneliness and SeparationSomeone who is substantially engaged in the culture of Krishna consciousness by definition could not feel lonely.
10 December, 2019 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - Loneliness and SeparationWhat is real association? — It’s similar conscious culture. And by that we mean Krishna conscious.
10 December, 2019 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - Loneliness and SeparationThat the Absolute could not only be the ideal counterpart for one or for many, but for everyone and simultaneously — who can conceive of such a person? — That is Krishna conception.
10 December, 2019 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - Loneliness and SeparationThe only way to experience loneliness per se is to turn away from Krishna.
18 December, 2019 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - Srila Saraswati Thakur | The Exclusive ServitorAs Guru Maharaj said, Saraswati Thakur’s statements were mostly revolutionary — the demands that put upon heart and soul to continually reconceive Krishna consciousness, not to think, “Oh, I know what is Krishna”.
11 January, 2020 From: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami - "Who can understand the joy of separation?" | Mahaprabhu's SannyasaWe are told: all the devotees of Nabadwip are plunged into viraha-sagar, means – “an ocean of separation”. It was so painful – “piercing the heart”. But piercing the heart and thereby creating a channel for Krishna-prem.