“I know what is Krishna…” No less than Bramha says, “Others may say: ‘I know Krishna’ - I don’t have much to say on this subject.” Of course, that little that he does say forms the Brahma-stuti and all the Gaudia-Vaishnava siddhanta is within
It’s all Saraswati Thakur. - The only real opposition to Sri Gaudia Math are former followers of Saraswati Thakur. What does it tell you? – He’s everything – even the opposition comes from him.
“Siddha-purush” is almost an insult in dealing with Saraswati Thakur – who can create siddha-purushes, Prabhupad. Prabhupad Saraswati Thakur.
The melted-heart wealth of Bhaktivinod Thakur drew Saraswati Thakur down – he’s not going to leave that world for anything in this world. It has to be something out of this world.
Guru Maharaj says [about Saraswati Thakur]: “He spilt a hundred gallons of blood to show what madhura-rasa is not.” – Why? – To make it abundantly clear what it is.
Causeless and irresistible. So the pure devotees’ strategy is: if something’s coming to them – to resist it. The first line of defense is resistance. And if it cannot be resisted – it might be real, but if it can be resisted – it’s not, if it can be suppressed – it’s not. So first line of defense is resistance.
Without You [Srimati Radharani] there is no achintya-guna-svarup, there is no shobhana Krishna. You make Krishna beautiful. With You we see the beauty of Krishna. Without You – what kind of Krishna is that? Guru Maharaj said, “Without His Shakti, His potency, Krishna is Bramha – half-mayavad.”
The sankirtan of Mahaprabhu is the rasa-lila in distribution mode.
Give your full attention in service to the lotus feet of Guru and Gauranga and what do you find as a consequence? – That subconsciously, deep within the deep heart’s core the radha-rasa-suddha-nidhi begins to flow and express itself, and you wake up springing out of the soil of Vrindavan.
If it wasn’t for him [Srila Swami Maharaj], we would know nothing about nothing, which is, kind of, our default position before we started. – Or we’d know a lot about nothing